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                                                                           chapter 2 - poems.                                                                                   


    Remus woke up earlier than necessary, purple bruises flowering across his small, shirtless body. His face had a new, deep cut across his forehead, still raw. His body ached as he struggled to moved the small things first. Moving his fingers to regain feeling, next his toes. Soon he was able to move his whole body, and he tried to sit up off of his pillow, which was yellowed with age. There were deep circles under his eyes, as Remus hadn't slept well. Remus grunted as he sat up, his arms on either side of his body on the uncomfortable mattress. He maneuvered his body over to the side of the bed, gently letting his legs dangle over the edge. His fathers words ran threw his mind as he sat one foot onto the cold wooden floor, sending cold chills through his leg. "Try not to get to close to anyone, you are certainly a danger to all of Hogwarts." All of Hogwarts. The thought makes Remus want to throw up. He slowly, softly put weight onto his right foot, and next the left. The small boy hissed in pain as his marks seemed to suddenly get worse when he stood up. 

    He slowly walked over to the small, old, wooden desk near the foot of the bed. On it was a beat up journal, with a dark brown leather cover and a small string tied around it. Remus opened the journal, and found a pencil lying in a far crevice of the desk. He grabbed the book and pencil gingerly with one hand, and leaned onto the comforter of his bed with the other. Then, with great effort, he moved back to the bed, and sat on the edge, his posture unnaturally straight. He untied the string slowly, and you couldn't hear any noise, except for the small sounds outside of the oldened room, and the string being undone. Remus flipped through the book, which looked very old, considering that the pages were yellowed, along with everything else in the room. Remus opened to the first page, and slowly flipped through the filled book. In it were poems, and little sketches. He found the page that he was looking for, one with a short poem, and not yet a drawing in the corner. He started sketching slowly. The poem was very brief, and only consisted of a few lines. 

some nights

I lie awake

wondering how my life would end

others I wonder

how this one would begin

    His drawing was of an open window, curtains fluttering. Outside of the window, he was sketching stars. Some were different than others, and Remus gave each and everyone different characteristics. Like people. He thought suddenly. Stars could be like people. Each one was different. In the way they looked, acted, dressed, talked, but all together they were one. Together they created a beautiful night sky. Remus closed his book, now finished with the sketch. Most people didn't appreciate peoples differences, most resented them. But our differences, where what make us the same.     

       Remus tied the string back around the book, lifted up one of his leg, and put the small book and the pencil under the mattress. He took a deep breath, ran a hand through his hair and closed his eyes imagining his first day at Hogwarts. What he wanted it to be. Not his father. 

Remus would walk into school, confident. All of the children would want to be his friend, the older grades would wish his was in theirs. He would do amazing in all of his schoolwork, never needing to study, and always having fun. Remus would be a star quidditch player, a beater, along with his future best friend. He liked to imagine that his friend would be popular, smart, and an amazing friend. He also wished that he wouldn't become a werewolf. His problem would just, fly away. Into the clouds. So that no one would ever have to deal with it again.  

    Remus suddenly heard a loud voice downstairs. He picked a shirt up from next to his bed, and slowly put it on over his head, flinching as it hit every bruise. Last night had been one of the hardest. He had the most damage done to his body than in a long time. Remus sat his feet on the ground again, slowly, after feeling a jolt of pain. He walked to the door, having to stop every few seconds so he wouldn't collapse from the pain. Leaning against the half opened door, he could hear what was happening downstairs, outside the safety and comfort of his room. There was a mans voice, along with his fathers. Remus slowly trudged down the stairs, before getting pulled into his fathers harsh embrace, causing him to flinch and his vision to have black spots.

"Ahh, here he is! I told you he would be of well heath when you saw him next Dumbledore!" Remus looked up as his father let him go. The small boy looked up at the tall man, his eyes glittering through his half moon spectacles. "You sure he'll be alright at school professor?" Asked his father, his dark, beady eyes darting around the room. Dumbledore smiled softly, looking at Remus through the corner of his eye. "I'm sure it will be a great benefit to his health." The Headmaster clapped his hands together, causing Remus to jump, and then relax. "First, we will discuss your means of changing. We can't have you doing it on school grounds for your own safety, but last year the herbology professor planted a rare type of tree over a small passageway leading to an older, broken down mansion in Hogsmede. We have had the teachers talk over it, and they have decided that it's for the best." Remus nodded slowly. "You will be escorted by  Professor Mcgonnagal, and she will make sure you get there safely." The Headmaster glanced at his father. "Adelaide, here is your sons school list, and ticket to platform 9 3/4. You will be helping him get his supplies, but if you wish, you may leave him at the platform." Adelaide Lupin nodded. Dumbledore nodded his head and walked to the door. "Thank you so much for having me, and I am excited to get to know you, young Lupin." And with that he closed the door behind him. 

    Remus's father stared at the door for a few moments after he left. He then looked down at his son and gripped Remus's arm, causing him to recoil. "We better go into town to get your supplies." Remus nodded, and went to the door to get his shoes before hearing his father. "Be in the car in three minutes."      

 I actually didn't think anyone was ever going to see this book. I might sound a little weird, seeing as though other story's get 100K ish, but i'm super thankful. I have decided to do this story like this, switching pov's up until they meet, and then going on from there. If you are an old reader, hello! I am completely re-doing this book, I didn't like my writing, the story-line, or how cliche it was becoming. So now I am making it totally different, and by different, hopefully I mean good.  Disclaimer, I wrote the poem, and came up with the idea of this all. Please do not go around stealing anything in this book. Thank you. 


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