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"What are you doing here?" I was trying so hard to keep my tears at bay. I could feel a lump forming in my throat.

"I want to know why..." he froze and swallowed, turning away from me for a brief moment. The moment he glanced back at me and our eyes locked, my heart dropped into my stomach. I hate, more than anything, that I've disappointed him. "I want to know why you decided to hide that you were pregnant with my baby" I couldn't pull my eyes from his, my heart broke at the tears that were slowly pouring down his cheeks, and my tears began their journey down my face. "I-I thought we told each other everything. I didn't realise we'd ever be the people who'd keep things from each other" I couldn't talk, I physically couldn't speak. "I would have loved that baby. I would have worshipped the ground that it walked on, just like I have with their mommy for 10 years" I glanced down at my hands that I was nervously playing with. "I have loved you for 10 years. I have loved you in so many ways and in my 10 years of knowing you, I-I never thought you'd be capable of..." he cut himself off, shook his head and ran his hand along the top of his head. I knew now that I needed to speak.

"I-I didn't...I couldn't do it, Nick."

"What? Demi, I-I don't understand. Kelsey said that..." I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat as I glanced back up at Nick who just looked confused.

"I didn't do it, Nick. I couldn't bring myself to do it because the moment the doctor put the pill on the table in front of me, all I could see was this little boy running around with this mop of curly brown hair with a giggle that bounced off the walls" I was only moments away from wanting to burst into tears. "I am so sorry that I didn't tell you but-but I thought it would be easier if you didn't know. I wasn't thinking, in a way I was scared that you'd hate me and I suppose karmas come back to bite me in the ass because you probably hate me anyway" I released a humourless chuckle. "I-I didn't get the abortion, Nick. I'm still pregnant" I ran my hand along my stomach, keeping my eyes locked with Nick's which widened in surprise.

 I'm still pregnant" I ran my hand along my stomach, keeping my eyes locked with Nick's which widened in surprise

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"Demi, I..." I wiped at my cheeks and pulled my eyes momentarily from his.

"I get it. I-I'll obviously let you see the baby and I suppose we can be civil to each other. I bet your girlfriend won't exactly be happy, I mean she's got a new boyfriend and a stepchild in the space of a month. God, this is so messed up."

"Dems, I could never hate you. I'll admit that it hurt to hear that you even thought I wouldn't be there for you or the baby. I didn't...Demi, this baby whether planned or not, it's a miracle. Yeah, we're probably a bit young and naïve, but I think this baby obviously happened for a reason" I bit down on my lip as more tears welled up in my eyes. "There's really a baby in there?" I released a breathy chuckle as Nick pointed down at my stomach, my hand still pressed against it.

"There's really a baby in there" I happily sunk into his embrace as he wrapped his arms around me, enveloping me in his warmth. I tightened my grip around him as my tears flowed down my cheeks, these tears were of happiness.


"Why didn't you tell me, Dem?" I turned to Nick as he sunk back into the couch beside me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I took a quick glance at him.

"I've already told you why I didn't tell you. What more do you want to know?" I brought my lips together as I swallowed.

"No, Dems. You said that you were scared, and you thought that I'd hate you, but you know perfectly well that I could never hate you. No matter what shit we go through, I could never hate you, Demi" I glanced down at Batman, only pulling my eyes from him as a hand settled on my knee. I had to blink back the tears that welled in my eyes at the simple gesture. "Dems, if we're going to make this work, if we're going to co-parent for our child, then you need to tell me why you didn't tell me when you first found out" I glanced up at the TV that wasn't even switched on, not even bothering to wipe away the tears that slowly began to stream down my cheeks. I thought I was passed all the tears. "Dems?" I turned back to him with a sniffle, my watery eyes locking with his.

"Because it hurts, okay?"

"What hurts?" I sighed as I glanced away from him, wiping at my cheeks before leaning to grab a tissue from the packet on the coffee table.

"See-Seeing you with your new girlfriend, it hurts. I didn't want to have something that ties me to you. But it isn't just something, is it? It's a baby, it's an innocent baby that didn't ask to be created. That's why I didn't tell you, Nick, because it hurts to be around you and to know that I don't have you, you're not mine to love anymore, you belong to someone else" I pushed myself up from the couch and began into the kitchen, sniffling as I wiped at my cheeks and nose with the tissue that was still clutched in my hand.

 That's why I didn't tell you, Nick, because it hurts to be around you and to know that I don't have you, you're not mine to love anymore, you belong to someone else" I pushed myself up from the couch and began into the kitchen, sniffling as I wip...

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