babysitting pt. 1

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william felt indecisive whether to call meghan or the babysitter to watch charlotte, george, and louis. on one hand, he wanted the babysitter to watch since she had experience with the children, but also considered meghan too since he wanted her to bond with his children. william picked up the phone to call the person to babysit.

"hey meghan, i wondered if you could babysit my children, you know, to bond with them since you are gonna be their aunt soon."

meghan, on the other line, kind of hesitated whether to agree with this offer from william. "ok, i'll babysit. how long?"

"until kate comes back, which should be in an hour or two. the kids are well behaved, so there shouldn't be any trouble with them." william explained.

"ok, thank you for considering me. bye." and with that, meghan hung up. she felt a bit uncertain that she could be responsible to watch over kate's children, but at the same time, she thought she could.

* * * * * * * *

"make sure you give louis his bottle when he awakens and watch out for all the children in general." william explained before leaving to greace, europe. meghan started to hear a faint wail coming from louis.

"aw poor baby. come here, have a bottle." she grabbed the bottle, giving it to louis, but the small child refused. she set the bottle down the counter and lightly rocked louis back and forth.

"meghan! i'm hungwy!" charlotte yelled out with louis in meghan's arms.

"ok charlotte, watch some television while get some food."

meghan laid louis, who was peaceful, into his white, wooden crib. she walked out of the room and back into the kitchen. she saw a patient child, laying on the couch. meghan found some soup on the stove from yesterday. she re-boiled and waited by sitting near the counter's chair. over the counter, she found a family album of the five. a family portrait on the front cover.

she noticed kate. her hair flowed down right below her shoulder, the light brown of her hair shining with the photography lights. The white, frilled dress she wore, with louis in her arms, charlotte sitting on her lap, and george holding william's manly hand.

The perfect family, she thought.

she opened the album to see kate and william on their wedding day; kate dressed so elegantly. her hazel eyes appealing to meghan. though people saw the blue, meghan saw a hint of a darker color than blue. brown and blue mixed into the beautiful eyes. however, these thoughts were interrupted by the only and one charlotte.

"meghan? is the swoup done?" she sat down innocently. mehgan looked over the stove to see it boiling. she got the wooden spoon and stirred it. the aroma was a tomato one. she scooped some into the white, glass bowl and got charlotte to sit and eat, with blows to cool down the soup, and feeding some spoonful's to her.

when the soup got cool enough, she look for george. he was upside down on the couch. the short, blonde dangling a bit.

"george, come on. i got some soup for you. i believe it's tomato." he went right side up and walked over to the counter responsibly. just as meghan cooled the soup for george, she heard a whimper coming from louis. "i'll be right back. finish your soup." she walked to the living room, where the crib was placed and picked up louis.

"shh. it's gonna be ok." she carried louis to the kitchen, got the warmed milk and fed it to him. george and charlotte finished their soup, and without meghan knowing, left the counter to watch some television. once finished feeding louis, she set him back in his crib for his sleep, and cleaning up and two sliver spoons and glass bowls.

setting the two bowls in the sink, she washed them by hand. she got to squirts of soap onto the blue-and-yellow sponge, one side soft and the other rough. she started to start the friction with the soft side, rubbing off the reddish stains. the foam created by the sponge, water and soap went between her hands. the curves of the bowl were easy to accomplish by curving her hand along with the bowl's structure. she completed the task by washing off the foam and soap. once done, meghan rested herself to the couch where charlotte and george were voluntarily sat themselves at.

about an hours had passed and no sign of kate coming back. it was about five p.m. when meghan started to babysit. around seven p.m., she would have to set the children to sleep. today however, they would go to sleep an hour earlier than they'd usually would.

"charlotte, george. come on. let's go to your bed!" meghan called the children's name. they each had their own individual rooms. meghan first tucked george in his light, baby blue walled room with a tuck and kiss. same with charlotte except she slept in a light, rose pink walled room. and finally, louis. she kept him with her, in the living room.

since the children were tucked to bed and louis sleeping, she decided to go for some television and a glass of red wine. she walked to the cabin of liquor, and cabinet of cups, perfectly organized. she took the big glass for the sake of it. she turned on jeopardy, and before meghan knew it, she finished up the whole bottle. she felt a little woozy, so she let that wooziness let to rest, staying for the night.

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