4. Blind Date Who?

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*Time skip to Morgan getting ready to move to LA*

Morgan's POV

I couldn't wait to be back home, with Andrew and all my best friends, until I checked Shane's channel. Why would he go on a blind date with this chick? Couldn't he have just told Shane he had a girlfriend, but not tell him who? I thought we were a "thing." I can't believe him. I should have known this wouldn't have worked. I can never keep a guy, why would Andrew be different? God, I'm so stupid. No, HE'S stupid! I thought he cared about me. I'm done with him.

*Time skip to picking Morgan up at the airport*

Andrew's POV

I hopped in Shane's car, apparently, we're picking Morgan from the airport today, which is great, but Shane said he had an extra surprise for her. Always an adventure with Shane.

"Hey, sis!" Ryland says, sounding boujie as ever.

"WELCOME TO ELLENTUBE!" Shane practically yells as I get situated. Of course. We're like the Make A Wish Foundation in squad form. "Alright we have 20 minutes to get to Josh Peck's house I'm freaking out." Welp, there's my answer to what we're actually doing. "Also," he starts, "We should talk about this later but everybody is shipping you and Morgan." Nice. How do I respond to that? Oh, yea we kissed at the Queen Mary while you slept and now we're pretty much dating. That'll work out well. I decide on just a simple, "Oh yeah, I did see that." While I try to hide my laughter. "I didn't seem like a spark. Maybe you were doing something crazy under the covers at Queen Mary?" Meh, something like that. Although a little more PG.

*Time skip to next day*

Morgan's POV

So I guess we're filming today. Great, Andrew's gonna be here. And just as he pulls up. I have to talk to him. I watched that video and he thinks we are still dating. I run outside and catch him.

"Andrew!" I yell.

"Heyyy." he says, with a tone of voice that makes me KNOW he still thinks we are dating.

"No." I say, firmer than I intended, but it kinda' worked.


"No. You can't let Shane set you up with some girl and expect us to still be dating. I'm done. I can't believe I thought this would work." I put my head in my hands.

"No, Morgan, I can explain."

"I don't want to hear any explanations. Try to keep it professional since we have to film, but I'm done with you." Then I storm back into the kitchen.

"Hey Morgan, you ok?" Shane says, concerned.

"I'm gonna get ready." I say, walking past him.

Shane's POV

I heard Morgan go outside as Andrew pulled up, so I went to the kitchen window to spy, and sip the tea. You know? She ran straight over to him, but she's not excited to see him. It looks like they're arguing, hard. She's really mad. What the hell? As if on cue Andrew walks in, sulking. 'Hey man, you ok?" I ask, genuinely concerned. "Uh," he looks to Ryland and Garrett, laughing about some video, "Can I talk to you in the gym?" We walk over and he shuts the door behind us. What's going on? "Alright, me and Morgan were kind of a thing." "WHAT!!! TEA!" I basically yell. "Since when?" I ask, lowering my voice. "We kissed at the Queen Mary, and we've been texting while she was in Colorado." He said, almost sad. "Oh. My. God. So what was that outside? Couple drama? Should i alert Messy Mondays? Sorry. But seriously, what was that?" I ask, kinda regretting that joke. "Kind of. She's crazy mad at me for that blind date." Shit. I did this. "Oh my God I'm so sorry if I had known I would never have-" "No," he interrupts. "You didn't know. I just need a way to tell her that I didn't know it was happening." "Just tell her. She likes honesty. She tells me all about her dream boyfriend, and your pretty much it. Just add in the honesty." I suggest. "Alright, I'll do it."

Morgan's POV

"Hey, Morgan?" Andrew pokes his head out of the gym. Ugh. I really don't want to hear his lame excuses. "Can I talk to you about a...uh...video?" Whatever. Just go in there, listen to his shit, and get out. He shuts the door behind me. "Listen, Morgan, I can explain that date." I sigh. "What," I start. "You thought I wouldn't care? This one video was scripted? She's an alien? Whadya' got?" "No, none of that." He replies. "I didn't know what was gonna happen in this video. I promise. I never knew any of that would happen. And after I started I felt so awkward, I couldn't just say I had a girlfriend. I'm sorry." He said, clearly not expecting a good response. "That's one of the many reasons I like you. Your so sweet and awkward, it's adorable. You didn't know it would happen. It's ok." I kiss him, and a smile appears on his face. There, that's the Andrew I know. Soon, Shane busts through the door. "Is Mandrew back on?" He asks, hopeful. "Yep!" I reply. "Great, cause I told Garrett and he ships it, too." He says, much to Andrew and I's dismay. "What the hell, Shane?" Andrew yells, but not really like he's angry, more slightly annoyed. "We were spilling tea!" He says like a 14-year-old girl. "Whatever." I say. "Just please don't tell Ryland, I don't know how he's gonna feel about this."  

A/N- Told you they can't get off that easy. Sorry, the chapters are short, I'm just trying to find good places to split them up. I'll try to update as fast as I can! :)

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