Part 2: The Ones (1/)

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"Sir, I'm feeling a dark aura in my head, and I know for fact that it is Nooroo."

Wayzz flies it's way to Wang Fu.

"He must've been finally captured but those were the wrong hands to be in."

Wang Fu stands up from the floor and sighs after listening to Wayzz.

"I think it is time for me to find some help, don't you think?"

Wayzz continues to talk to his master but this one keeps on being silent. Silence is his way of comfort for trying to figure out what to do, Wayzz idea is great, but the fear of other miraculous being lost fills his head.

"I think I can manage on my own look. Wayz- oh no! My back!"

"Sir I'm sorry if this will end up offending you, but you need help."

"I know little one, it is just frustrating because I'm still young! I'm 108 after all, but I guess I do deserve a break. What do you say if we go around searching for the right people?"

Wayzz flew immediately to hug his owner in assurance that whatever decision he makes he will always be by his master's side.

Marinette's POV (This will be way more interesting from now on I promise) (if not come kick my butt)

"Marinette you have 15 minutes left before you're late for school! Wake up right now!"

I immediately sit up from my sleeping position.

15 minutes? Impossible I left my alarm for-

"Holy Shit!! I set it up for 7 p.m?!"

Obviously I would do something so stupid on my first day of school, this is terrible, if this is how I'll start my first day then I can't imagine the rest of the year!

I kickstart brush my teeth and change.

As soon as I'm finished I head downstairs mentally crying because I can't have breakfast since I'm late.

I give my mom a quick kiss on the cheek and head tithe pâtisserie.

"You're going to be late my darling."

My dad says as soon as she sees me.

"I know and you should have seen me rushing everything to get ready I even tripped with the corner of my bed and then I started to panick because I couldn't fin my pho-"

Dad stops me by handing my a medium size box.

"You can finish narrating your morning once you come back, now go enjoy your first day."

I smile at my dad and open the box, and as soon as I do my nose falls in love with the smell, my head twirls in the most pleasant way and my stomach starts to rumble.

"Thanks for the macaroons dad, this presentation looks devine!"

Dad smiles as he lightly pushes me towards the door.

"Well I did have a pretty good graphic designer." He ayas while winking at me.

I blush since the design he talks about is mine.

I give my dad a hug and head towards the street and realize that there is still a red light for pedestrians.

I should have a taste of this macaroons, like I don't want anyone to get poisoned.

"Oh God what is he doing?" A random lady says.

I look up from the box of macaroons and see that an old Asian man I walking on the street and a car is getting really close.

"Sir watch out!" I yell while I run towards him. I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the edge of the street as fast as I could.

Thankfully both of us got safe.

"Are you alright!? Are you hurt? Oh no I should've been more gentle! I am so sorry, should I call an ambulance?"

The old man just laughs and stands up.

"No, no, young one, I'll be fine, I'm just terribly sorry for the mess I've caused."

What is he talki-



"Don't worry Sir, see a lot of them got saved, here grab one."

The old man smiled at me and he grabbed a macaroon.

"Shouldn't you be at school?"

I check my watch and it read 8:05



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