Part 2: The Ones (2/)

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Adrien's POV

Why are bushes so rough man?!

"Is that Adrien?"

I turn around at the sound of my name and I can't help but frown at the sight of two girls with their phones pointed at me.

I stood up and went up to them.

"Alright I'll give you any amount of money if you delete those."

"To late for that Adrien, please get in the car before your father realizes that you've escaped."

I roll my eyes and remove my sunglasses.

"You can tell him to suck it Natalie really."

"Adrien, you know I'm just following orders."

"Then follow this order. Get out of my sight."

I put my sunglasses on again and continue my way to school, if my father can't accept me for who I am or who I want to be then I'll give him exactly what he wants and that's propaganda.


I turn around and there was an old Asian man laying on the floor. I quickly run towards him and help him up.

"Are you hurt Sir? Do you need me to call someone?"

"No, No young one, you've done enough, thanks for your help."

He starts to walk again.

"ANYTIME!" I yell as he leaves my sight.

I should continue walking before I get late to class.

"Adrian, please."

I take a deep breathe.

"Natalie, I'm sorry I was rude, but I jus-"

"You better obey Natalie son, I gave her an order in which both parties have to listen."

I look inside the car and there was my dad video calling me.

"Father I just want to go to school, at least for a year, to make friends and new experiences."

"No Adrien. You're an Agreste, you don't have to join a normal crowd neither try to make friends, Natalie is the only friend you will need. Now Get In The Car."

I look at Natalie for back up, but like always she just looks straight forward.


"Fine by me. Gorilla you know what to do."

Suddenly I was picked up by my bodyguard, I didn't even try to fight against him, this man is way stronger than me and way bigger as well.

Looks like my first day of school will have to be in a different day.

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