Part 2: The Ones (3/)

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Marinette's POV

As I enter my assigned classroom all my hopes for a good year were down the drain as soon as I saw Chloé Bourgeois right in front with her friend/puppet.

I saw a girl sitting in the table besides Chloe and that would have been my usual table, but I don't recognize her, she must be new.

I would've sat beside her, but I saw Nino sitting behind Chloe's sit, and I'm too shy to start up a conversation with the new girl.

"Morning Nino."

"Sup Marinette, wait, are those macaroons??"

I laugh and hand him one.

"This is a good start to my morning, I swear that if by the age of 30 if you're still single and if I'm still single I'll search for you and I will ask where your dad is and I'll ask for his macaroons' hand."

I look at him wide eye and then started laughing.

"I thought you are going to say that you were gonna ask for my hand."

"That can work as well." We both continued to laugh.

"Jesus Christ I thought I was smelling something disgusting and now I know it's those macaroons."

I look up and there was Chloé.

I grabbed one and place it in front of her face.

"Well look Chloé a beautiful macaroon for a beautiful girl."

She slapped my hand and started laughing.

"Don't compare my beauty with that pimple maker. Now move this sit is taken."

I looked at Nino and he started shaking his head.

"No one was here when I came, and it's the first day of class, sittings normally change."

"Blah blah, don't bore me, this sit is for my beautiful man."

"But I'm here." Nino says.

I chuckled and a couple of kids in my class start laughing as well.

"As if. This sit will be for the most handsome man anyone has ever laid eyes on, and guess what I'm his only friend soon to be girlfriend so by demands you shall move."


I watch as Chloé squeezes her hands to a fist.



"I'll call my daddy so he closes that disgusting thing you and your family call of a pastiere, and I'll make sure no one ever hires them by telling them the poisonous things your unprofessional dad bakes."

I can feel my body hit up with anger and everyone including Chloe stared at me in shock as I stood up with my fist ready to punch her, but a different hand stopped me.

"Please girl, if your dad is as an amazing baker as all Paris claims that must mean that you have talent in your hands." The new girl says.

I look at her in shock and she drops my hand to my side and says.

"Don't hurt your hand in some stupid blonde, come sit with me that way it will be easier to laugh at her everyday."

I smile at her.

"And who the heck are you to talk about me that way, my daddy is the major respect me!"

"I'm Alya, and let me tell you this your father will only stay as a major for a couple of days, then no one will care about cutie Chloé but guess what, no one cares now, just because your dad is a major does not give you the right to be a bitch."

Everyone gasps including the teacher.

"Students pleas go to your sits class will start in a couple of minutes."

I went to sit next to Alya.

"You're so brave, no one has ever said that to Chloé ."

"She shouldn't be feared, she just a girl."

"Yeah, a girl whose dad is the major."

"He doesn't scare me either, I can post a bad comment online in my blog and he can say bye bye to a lot of people who support him."

"I wish that some day I'll be as brave as you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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