Chapter 2: Quirk Assessment Test!

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My eye twitched as I stared at myself in the mirror. "What's the matter?" Kurogiri asked. I frowned, eye twitching some more.

"This uniform is so not cute."

It doesn't suit me at all. I think it clashes mainly with my hair.

U.A.'s uniform consisted of a blue green skirt, white button up, gray blazer with blue green trim, and red tie.

Of course I wore it incorrectly in an attempt to make it look better on me.

Button up is untucked, skirts a little short, blazer is open and a size larger, and my tie hung loosely. I wore bike shorts underneath my skirt for easy mobility and wore my signature black boots. My unruly fire red hair is up in a ponytail as usual.

It looks better than formerly worn, but it still clashes with me.

So not cute.

Not cute at all.

"You look great. I mean you have the delinquent look going on, but it is a look that suits you best." I gave him a flat look. "Should've just ended with that first sentence Kurogiri." I stated.

"I apologize." Ugh. So formal. I took off the skirt and threw it to the side along with the blazer.

I was wearing shorts anyway, so I can't possibly get in trouble for stripping in here again.

I plucked my oversized black jacket off the bar and slipped it on. There. Much better.

Well, I should get going. "Hey, warp me there." I demanded. Before he could respond or do as I said, another voice interrupted. "No." Hm?

Tomura walked in from the back room, gloomy as ever.

Well, it's the norm. "Why not?" I asked curiously. He merely rolled his eyes. "There's a chance someone will see. Kurogiri is going to be known soon enough. And once he is, they'll wonder why a student has been seen with him. And then you're compromised."

Oh? So he's actually using that head of his. Thought it was decoration.

"Makes sense. Alright, I'll walk. Later!" I turned, holding my hand up in a goodbye gesture as I left the bar and headed for the train station.

It is a little disappointing that Kurogiri can't transport me places anymore, but it's not the end of the world. It's not like I've never used public transportation before. That's ridiculous.

But it was so convenient.

Oh well. Walking is good for people. And the fresh airs nice. Well, as fresh as city air can be at least.

I quickly walked to the station and hopped on a train. I sat down and pulled out my phone and some earbuds, deciding to listen to some music to make the trip quicker.

As I sat and bopped my head, I noticed a few people glancing at me.

I knew why. I wore U.A.'s uniform. U.A. is a well renowned school. Even I've heard of U.A. even when I was in Elementary School. There isn't a person in Japan, maybe even the world that doesn't know about U.A.

It's most famous for the number of Heroes that go Pro after graduation. Higher number than any other school in the region.

And here I am, attending. Never thought that would happen.

Once we reached my station, I hopped off and headed in the direction of the school.

I'm still a fifteen minute walk from school, but I can see it still. Damn that place is huge.

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