Chapter Twenty Four

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I admit I was scared. Good thing mr. Pascua went out to see me.

We are all gathered in the living room together with the entire Boas clan. In front of me is Jesse, wearing his maliscious grin. Out of courteousy, I didn't snap at him.

"I'm so sorry miss Priscila, please forgive my brother. He's not normal. He keeps on insisting that you are his ex-girlfriend. We're so sorry." Mr. Jay pleaded.


"That's not enough for an excuse. My mom and I will now move out of this house. We went all the eay here just for your request but this is how you treated my mom? No, we're not staying. And if mom still wants to do the wedding dress, we won't be residing in this house. Let's go Mr. Pascua." My son looks mad. I can't get mad because I too, wanted to leave.

After a few minutes, we talked about how they'll compromise about me making miss Boas' wedding gown and it's all settled.

When we are inside the car, my son is still fuming with anger.

"Darling, it's alright. Calm down." I said. I brushed my fingers on his hair. He smiled slightly.

"I just don't want to see you harrassed mom. It's true that I liked the guy but I won't let him pass with what he did tonight. I don't want those kind of guys for you. You deserve the best, cause you're the best, mom." I laghrd and kissed his cheek.

Mr. Pascua brought us to a villa. It looks cozy and my son loved the place.

"Mr. Pascua, isn't this their villa? I mean the Boas' villa?" I asked him.

"No ma'am. This is your friend, Lorenzo's villa." Oh, I see. I wonder how's his family now. Especially miss Rafy. I miss that girl.

"Let's head in." I told them.

It is a fine day when the morning came. Marcus didn't even made a  fuss about what happened. Maybe because he didn't even  know what happen exactly. I just asked mr. Pascua to not tell him all the details.

What happened was, Jesse tried to take me to his room. He was half dragging, half carrying me up the grandstaircase and that's when mr. Pascua came in and saw us. What Marcus knew is that Jesse tried to make a move on me, and that's all.

It would've been worse. If he found out, Donatello might not go and came back to get me. It's just a waste. Anyway, I don't like postponing whatever I have started.

So here I am. I've spent my whole afternoon at this posh office mr. Pascua rented. It's a huge spaee, I can make another dress in here. Just kidding, I'm too busy to add one.

My alarm went on so I stopped. I stretched my back and hips,down to my thighs. I looked at the dress and I smiled. I really love my alone time. I finished many task. It's almost done. Well, not almost, but almost there.

I peek outside and saw my secretary, Jennifer. I mean, my son's Jenny and she's organizing some documents.

I hear some noises but can't see the lobby at my place. I decided to get changed and so I did.

As I closed the door again, someone sent me a message. And that someone is someone none other than the sweet and at the same time cool friend of mine, Gladys.

'What's taking you so long?! Get out of there or else I'll blow this place. You need to meet my son. :) ' I smiled. His son is younger than Marcus and I am his godmother. He's a rising star in modeling industry too like his aunt Rafaela.

I got changed quickly and went out. And there, outside, I saw Glads with her son Angelo. The kid beemed at me.

"Hello there kiddo. Have you seen Marcus? He's here with me." I asked.

"Oh, he's with dad. They are going to the villa to prepare food. " Angelo answered.

"Let's go Pris, I'll drive!" Says Gladys.

Uh-oh. Here she is, the racer-like driver.

It's fun having them around. I don't know why but I always end up feeling welcome in their family...

"Oh! Mommy's coming! Let's go meet her outside!" Gladys exclamied and teach for my hand. So, tita Maitha is here too.

"Hello ladies." She greeted as she stepped out of her car. Tito Rafael, her husband came out next. Soo  they were arms in arms. They look so sweet.

"Oh! How are you missy? You've grown beautifully, I almost didn't recognize you." Tito complemented and we all laughed.

He's so carefree that it makes me wonder what he saw at tita Maitha. She's so sofisticated and look so strict. Maybe because they can handle each other so much that tito's mistakes makes her love him more.

"Let's head in. I think it's gonna rain." I said and gestured them to come inside.

Right before I turned my back at them. I saw them exchange glances with each other. I didn't mind it. But something, I know I felt something that's going to happen soon that I wouln't like.

It's just a feeling, but something tells me that it's big and it's no good for me. What is it? I still want to figure it out. I'll know it, whatever it is.

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