Chap.1 - Start of his Journey

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Now Dexter is ready to go on his first adventure, he packed up his weapons and tools and of course "Determination". But he can't just go alone in the dangerous forest, he needs his best friend Claude to go together and fight.

*Dexter went to Claude's house and he asked him*

Dexter: Hey Claude!

Claude: Hey Dexter! How's it going?

Dexter: Very good actually

Claude: Oh that's great!

Dexter: But.. my Cursed Bag took my parents and went to a far far unknown place and I need your help

Claude: Oh well I can help you on your journey

Dexter: Really? You'll help me?

Claude: Yeah! After all were best friends

Claude: But before that ill just get my Katana so i can help you fight this powerful bag

Dexter: Oh okay sure take your time.

Claude was Dexter's best friend he's kind, generous and responsible he always make his friends laugh and also give them tips and advice whenever they have problems.

Claude: Got the Katana now let's go my friend!

Dexter: Wait before we go I need to create something in my garage ill be right back!

Claude: Oh okay sure.

*Dexter goes to the garage*

*Dexter grabs his Laser Pistol*

Dexter: Oh wait! I forgot something.

*Dexter gets his Mirror Image Tool 3000*

*Dexter makes a mirror image clone of himself*

Dexter: Pal you stay here guard the house and DONT touch that Portal Gun its dangerous mkay?

Dexter2: Okay master I'll follow your command.

*Dexter leaves the garage*

Dexter: I'm here lets go my friend!

Claude: Yeah!

Dexter and Claude finally set foot on journey to the "Land of Dawn" to save his parents and defeat "The Cursed Bag"

Will ye succeed on their journey? Find out on the next chapter of "The Cursed Bag".

But Wait...

Dexter2: Geez its kinda boring in here.. I wanna have fun while my master is on journey

Dexter2: I'm sorry master..

*Dexter2 grabs the Portal Gun*

Dexter2: C'mon Rooney let's go to a Journey together shall we?

Rooney: *Oooo aaaa*(Sound of a monkey)

Dexter2: Yeah let's go!

*Dexter2 opens up a portal to a mysterious dimension*.

To Be Continued...

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