Chap.22 - Destined Rivals

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- The Beacon -
- The Challenge Begins Now -




Dexter: Hey goodluck out there!

Blake: Thanks, you too




Dexter: *Unsheathes Sword of Fiera* Let's do this Fiera!

Blake: *Releases her Phantom Whip* Show me what you got! My precious whip!

Ozpin: START!

(They both got launched in the air from the Jump Pads)


Dexter: The ground! *Lands it perfectly* hyah! Where is everyone?

(Loud shouting at a distance)

Dexter: *Looks up* What

Claude: *Lands down in a horrible pose* Ouch.. ouch.. ouch..

Shiro: *Lands on Claude's back* Brother!

Claude: AH! my back! Shiro! Damn you..

Shiro: Oops Sorry! *chuckles*

Wade: *Lands on the ground perfectly* Tsk.

Dexter: Wait.. where's Luna? Why isn't she here?

Claude: Oh Professor thinks that it's unfair for the enemy team to challenge 5 members

Shiro: And she said she'll join the next Beacon Challenge

Dexter: So she's with Ozpin to spectate us.. that's unfortunate for her.. Wade you can still fight without her right? If it's okay with you?

Wade: Yeah, I won't mind

Wade: Yeah, I won't mind

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Wade Right now-

Dexter: Alright!

- Blake's POV -

Blake: What took you long?

Ruby: Got a little delay while on air because of unusual wind activity

Blake: Okay I'll accept that

Yang: It's kinda windy today and a little bit cold

Weiss: I don't fell the coldness at all

Yang: Yeah it's because your element is ice?

Weiss: Ou right ehehe *chuckles*

Blake: Hey don't goof off, focus on the mission!

RWY: Yes captain!

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