Chap.6 - Reunited Love

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- Flashback -
Young Wade's POV

Professor Ooglosh: Good morning students!

All Students: Good morning professor!

Professor Ooglosh: Alright today we have a new transfer student in this school!

Professor Ooglosh: Alright you may come in new student

(The new student comes in)

Luna: Hello! My name is Luna Priscilla the Princess of Redemption but you can call me Luna in short!

Random Student: More like Princess of the Redumbtion!

3 Of Them Laughed: Hahahaha He's right!

Luna: No no! Stop! You idiot!

Random Student: Oh look the Princess of Redumbtion is gonna cry cry

3 Of Them Laughed: Hahaha What a crybaby

(Wade stood up)

Wade: Hey stop you guys your making her cry

Random Student: Oh? So what are you gonna fight me or what? You two must be the same as her

Wade: Oh? Is that what you think?

Random Student: Bring it on mate! (Grabs his butterfly knife)

Wade: (Creates an amaterasu fireball in his hand) Does this answer your question? Hm?

Random Student: Umm (Gets scared) no..nothing... (Sits down)

Wade: Good!

Professor Ooglosh: Alright! That's enough you 4 come to my office except Wade!

4 Bullies: Yes...s..sir

Professor Ooglosh: Alright Luna you may take your seat

Luna:(That boy saved my life)..

(Luna sits down to her seat)

Luna: (This guy though seems so handsome.. and brave..) *blushes A bit*

Wade: (Reads a book)

Luna: He...hey

Wade: Yes?

Luna: Don't mind if I seat next to you?

Wade: Hm sure!

Luna: Thanks! (And he seems kinda kind ^^)

Luna: By the way

Wade: Hm?

Luna: What's your name?

Wade: Oh me well I'm Wade so called the Prince of Daggers (^_^)

Luna: Gee thanks Wade your so kind to everyone (blushes A bit)

Wade: No problem about that just doing my responsibility as the student council (^.^)

Luna: (So he is the student council of this class).

(Professor Ooglosh comes back to class)

Professor Ooglosh: Alright class be quiet I'm going to discuss now and teach you all

- Time Skip -
Professor Ooglosh: Alright class dissmissed you may all go home now

Luna:( Aww ill see you again Wade).. *blushes a bit*

(Luna walks outside but eventually the bullies are back)

Bully: Hey look! It's the baby girl from our class

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