Chap.14 - Cursed Fate

44 14 6

- At Kenriz's Lair -
- Third Person POV -

Claude: Oi! What have you done to Dexter's clone parents?!

Kenriz: Oh well you see back at the past I got interested in possessing your bag and that's how it turned into a cursed bag

Kenriz: I did that because to use your real parents powers and weakening them making in the Zemlick Massacre they got defeated so quickly

Dexter: Th..that's impossible.. it was the whole time..

Kenriz: Ahh yes! Me and my pal here Ooglosh planned the Zemlick Massacre!

All: What!!!

Ooglosh: And yeah we planned that to kill your real parents!!!

Dexter: So.. great grandfather... did you really forgotten who.. you are?..

Ooglosh: And why you think I forgotten you your Dexter! "Zemlick Prince of Thieves!" How can I forget yo-

Dexter: No! You our love..

Ooglosh: Oh?

Dexter: It's all of that because of your stupid hell semblance...

Ooglosh: To be honest Dexter.. I don't really love you because Idk I love my other great grandsons but you?.. just Idk...

Dexter: Huh... well then... if you really don't love me.. then... *stoods up*

Ooglosh: Hm?...

Dexter: I'll kill you! *activates Semblance*

Dexter: *Creates a mirror image Excalibur* ("True Mirror Slash")!

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Dexter: *Creates a mirror image Excalibur* ("True Mirror Slash")!

(Dexter slashed Ooglosh so fast but Ooglosh dodged it)

Ooglosh: Oh no that was fast..

Dexter: Team you go fight Kenriz and I'll take the rest over here now go! And be careful!

Everyone: Okay! *went to Kenriz to fight*

Ooglosh: So its just like that huh? Well let me prepare my mirror image techniques too

Ooglosh: *Activates Semblance* ("Zemlick Rebirth Move")!

Dexter: Why didn't you used your dumb old semblance huh? And just take all of my abilities because that's only you care anyways..

Ooglosh: No because I have a plan no need to take it's bad..

Dexter: Blah blah blah lies..

Ooglosh: Well okay then.. *Creates a mirror image sword*

Ooglosh quickly dashed onto me but luckily I parry the sword and our sword got interlocked blocking the both of them


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