Part 3

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This made me extremely unconformable but I thought it was because everyone could hear the song Waking Up In Vegas about a hundred miles away from where it was being played boy was I wrong.

As I heaved myself out of the car preparing myself for the lonely day to come I did not realise that today was the day that my hole life was about to be turned upside down and what my mum had told me should not be trusted especially by me.

It was break and once again I ended up sat alone beneath a tree that was the furthest from the school that I possibly could find. The tree was a cherry tree and always made me smile when I looked at it. It was one of the only things that was keeping me sane because without this tree and my mum I would have probably gone ether on a rampage or starting to slowly eliminate the people that where being mean to me, which is all the people in the school not including the teachers.

As I sat there I realised that my eyes where getting itchy again and my teeth felt different.

What's going on with me? Why would this happen to me?

This made me suddenly get up and race to the bathroom. It felt as if I was flying through the air as I was running as fast as I could towards the bathroom and I was able to notice that people where shocked as I was running past them. They seemed to not even know who I was even though most of them had been bullying me ever since I started secondary school.

When I got to the bathroom I stopped and I realised that I was not even out of breath yet. It felt so weird because usually when I run I loose my breath quickly.

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