It's time

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yo i'm shooting them out so let's get it this is also the last chapter of this volume because i'm going to squeeze everything in!

Team RWBY  where walking in down town Vale talking about the Vytal festival or rather Weiss was.

Down town Vale

"ohh i just love all the coordination the colors and planning that goes into the vytal festival!" Weiss said cheerfully as she twirled around. Her team looked at her confused at her sudden happiness. 

"wow Weiss.... i don't think I've ever seen you  smile this much... it's kinda freaking me out.." Ruby said speaking for her team when she said this.

"how could you not smile? a festival dedicated to the world! there would be dances,Parades,a tournament! oh the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breath taking!" Weiss beamed  as she twirled around to continue walking. 

sigh*"you really know how to take a good thing and make it boring huh?" Yang said with her arms crossed. Weiss told her to be quiet but yang had another question "remind me again as to why we are spending our Friday at the docks?" Ruby held her nose from the stink of fish.

"I hear that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today! and as a Representative of beacon i fell as it is my solemn duty to show them around!" Weiss said with a slight bow to her.

"she wants to spy on the competition" Blake said with her arms crossed 

"you can't prove it!" Weiss pointed her finger at Blake.

"whoa" was all Ruby could say that gathered the attention of her Teammates. In front of them was an scene of another robbery. 

Beacon courtyard 

Both team MSHC and JNPR were hanging out out in the courtyard. Ren and Shaun were mediating,Maple and Pyrrha where talking about their love life and their classes and what they need help on, Clarline and Nora where both running around playing tag, and Jaune and Solitaire were standing talking to one another.  

"so where are ya'll going?" Pyrrha asked Maple who was sitting near the tree in the shade. Maple who was trying to get Shaun up from his mediation. Told her they we're going to Vale just to explore.

Shaun's mind

it was dark... dark and unknown. i walked upon a forest like place to gather where exactly i was.. but to no success. "Shaun"  a voice called me i perked up using my wolf ears to hear any noise...."SHAUN"I jump back when i saw a yellow colored female in front of me

"WHO ARE YOU!?" I screamed slightly scared and confused as to why i'm seeing this lady.

"at ease my boy.." the woman smiled and took my hand "do you know who i am?" the woman asked in a calmly voice "Do you not remember me?" 

I shook my head not knowing what to say i remand speechless. The woman smiled and took my hand."in do time i will reintroduce myself.." the woman begun to fade away "when the unexpected happens i will appear again.."  reality slowly started to come back "WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHO ARE YOU?" I shouted. before she faded i can barely make out some of the words.   "assassin be prepared for you- has- meaning" while she say's this i saw a vision of the assassin's getting killed left and right all of it was fast until there was a part where their was a man with a sniper  aiming it down towards my Father who was the mentor and helper of  what the creed  is.he is what hold it together. Then right after i saw me with my hood on different robes bigger then what  i am know. but before i get to see what happens next she cuts me off  and she vanished as i  was pulled from my meditation..

RWBY vol.1: REMNANT'S CREED THE BEGINNING vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now