Chapter One

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Sera stepped out of the cafe, making sure to lock the doors behind her. It was raining. Unusual, at this time of the year. She pulled up her hood of her jacket and stuffed her hands in her pockets, trudging down the empty street.

The street was dimly lit with a few street lamps, some blinking, on the verge of dying out.  It was the same view Sera had laid eyes upon for the last two years or so, and frankly, she had gotten tired of it. Unfortunately, she did not have the time, money, or power to move to a better place. She was lucky enough for a roof above her head and enough savings to survive. For now.

With her head down, she continued her usual route and turned into a dark alleyway, where her broken down apartment was located. Except... The narrow passageway wasn't nearly as dark as it used to be. Which was weird enough for Sera to pause, lifting her head to check her surroundings more clearly. Her view was illuminated by an unnerving purple-ish glow. It was 10 at night, and usually by the time Sera returned home, there were no one walking the streets, let alone lurking in a dark alleyway.

Well, curiosity kills the cat, Sera thought, amused at this sudden change. Her posture now straight and her hands firmly by her sides, she didn't even mind the rain now as she followed the source of the glow, past the doorway of her apartment and further down in the alley. It was like an adventure, sort of, and her footsteps picked up speed, eager to find out the source of this new interesting event that has happened in her otherwise dull life.

After turning a corner, Sera stopped, taking in the scene before her. There was an old lady, dressed in one of those uncanny outfits fortune tellers wear. With large hoop earrings, lots of big bead necklaces, and a purple silk scarf tied around her head, obscuring her eyes, the lady smiled at Sera. "Pretty lady," the old lady called out in a hushed, raspy tone, "Yes, you," she continued, as Sera raised her eyebrows and pointed at herself. "The girl in the red jacket."

Sera pulled back her hood, ignoring the rain dripping down her short hair, and walked towards the old woman. "I have never seen you around here," She said, "Who are you?" 

The woman ignored the question, but smiled serenely at her. "Park Sooyun. I was hoping you'd find me today."

Upon hearing her name, a name Sera hasn't heard for two years now, she stumbled back, hands fumbling for her hood and pulling it over her head, obscuring her face. "That's not my name." She stepped back again, suspicion arising as her previous curiosity withered away. "Who are you? Answer me."

"I am just an old fortune teller," the woman chuckled, oblivious to Sera's sudden hostility. "You will find me, when you need to." She beckoned her to come closer, but Sera firmly kept her distance. The woman smiled again. "Cautious, I see. A good thing to be too, for future events."

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