Chapter Two

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[NOTICE: I have rewritten Chapter One. Please reread it before continuing.]

To Sera's greatest relief, Joshua was not a psychotic stalker or murderer or robber, at least, for now. He was a polite young man, asking to take a quick shower and apologizing for the inconvenience. She still didn't know what to think about the whole time traveling thing, but that could wait. She had to clean out her room to make space for the new guest.

She threw open the windows and took down the paintings, rolling them up and stacking them against the wall, probably to collect dust for the rest of eternity. Or she could throw them out. They weren't any good, anyway. 

There were a pile of unwashed clothes, which she dumped them in the laundry basket with a groan. She'll have to make a visit to the laundromat in the morning. Along with Joshua's dirty clothes. Hopefully he had some spare clothing with him-

"Hey, uh, Sera?" Joshua poked his head through the doorway. "Do you have any spare clothes? You know what, never mind, I'll just wear my old clothes, it's fine."

Sera sighed, eyeing the drenched Gucci T-shirt in the basket. "I'm not going to be responsible if you get sick, alright?" She rummaged in her closet, and pulled out a worn-looking grey hoodie. She tossed it at him. "Here, wear this."

Joshua looked uncertain. "I mean, if it's yours, it probably wouldn't fit-"

"It's my ex's. You can have it. Been wanting to throw it out anyway."

"Oh." He looked slightly embarrassed. "But-"

"I don't care about you not wearing pants. Chill. Just tie a towel around your waist." She slammed her closet door shut, surprising herself. Goddamn it, thinking of her ex made her feel sick. She stomped around her room, cleaning up with unnecessary force. 

Joshua was standing awkwardly in the hoodie, the towel around his waist. He let out a breath when Sera finally stomped out of her room. "Sorry. This was a bad idea." He muttered, "I at least should've chosen a guy's place."

"Well, no shit, Sherlock." Sera threw herself down on the armchair, crossing her arms. "Well it's too late, ain't it?"

He pulled at the hoodie, as if trying to make it longer. "I'm really sorry-"

"Buddy, stop repeating yourself and give me some explanations." 

Joshua blinked. "Oh, um." He scratched his head, looking down at the floor. "I don't exactly know what happened myself, like... I was out, buying coffee for my... my friends, it was hot, like, July hot, and... Gods, I'm still in shock."

"Get yourself a drink, man." Sera rubbed her forehead. She could feel a headache forming. "Stop stuttering, I don't have all day."

"Right." He looked sheepish, and hurriedly poured himself a glass of water. "Can I...?" He gestured at the floor. She nodded, and he sat down. "Anyways, it was just about noon, I think, I was shielding my eyes from the sun when it suddenly... The sun just started getting brighter and brighter, and I-" He paused for breath, eyes wide, "I had to squeeze my eyes shut with my hands covering my eyes as well... It got so unbearingly hot and I was must have been screaming, because when I finally opened my eyes my throat was raw.

And I ended up here. In the rain. In Winter! At night as well, and I had no idea what was going on, I thought I might have passed out and woke up, like, 6 months later, like some kind of novel character, but I didn't even recognize my surroundings. I mean, I know I'm still in Korea, but-" He gestured out the window, "I've never been here before. And then I just sort of panicked, so I just started walking. I don't know, I just sort followed my intuition, and ended up at your apartment. And your calendar."

Sera raised her eyebrows, crossing her legs and stared at him. He was obviously in shock, but was he drunk? On drugs? He looked normal, other than his bizarre story. It was too much. "That IS the right date, you know. Are you sure you didn't drink today?"

"No. I swear, all I said is a hundred percent true. Even though..." He lowered his head and stared at his hands, which were visibly shaking. "I can't even believe myself."

Sera waited, but apparently he had finished his story. She had grown soft, seeing his helpless expression, and she stood up and sat next to him. She reached out to touch his hand but withdrew, thinking better of it. Instead, she conjured up a smile, and said, "Hey, it's late, go to sleep. Maybe tomorrow your thoughts would be clearer and you'd know what happened."

Joshua looked sideways at her, smiling bitterly. "You still don't believe me."

"It's not like anyone can believe such a story, Joshua. It's not my fault I'm suspicious. You're a complete stranger in my house."

"True." He said, and sighed. "Man, I hope I'll wake up tomorrow and it'll just turn out to be some weird dream."

"Don't worry. You'll wake up, remember things, and be on your way tomorrow, alright? You can sleep in my room." Sera patted him lightly on the back, and stood up.

Joshua jumped up too. "Hey, no, it's fine, I'll sleep on the floor. I can't take your room."

She shrugged. "I barely sleep in my room anyway."

But Joshua insisted, so Sera took out some blankets and a pillow for him to lay on the floor, and retreated to her bedroom. 

"Hey, Sera?" Joshua called out just before she was about to close the door.


"Thank you." He smiled, and Sera stared for a second too long before she shut the door without replying.

He really had a beautiful smile.

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