Souls aren't on the menu

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Why is this even a thing? Why do people think gingers eat soles? What the heck guys (and girls)? I don't take it super hard but some people do! It ticks me off a little but some people get really hurt by it!

I remember a while after I met my friends one of them told me they thought Gingers were evil... they're my friends so I was like "you know what she said they thought Gingers were evil it's okay."

But it's like sometimes I'll be walking through school and it's like "hey, he's a ginger he doesn't have a sole" or "hey he's a ginger he eats soles" come on guys that's like when people say blondes are stupid or making fun of asian people's eyes, it's NOT FUNNY!

So could we like stop fun of people? In a way it's racist to irish people (or irish people with ginger hair). I was more serious than I wanted to be this chapter but I had to let that out.

Beannacht! (That means goodbye!)

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