Stupid... dumb.... school schedule

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Okay let me just ask the people that make the schedules one question.... what the ever loving butt were you thinking?!?! I mean you are going to take a class full of people who have become friends and then just separate them the next year... da heck?

You don't need to have AP classes. You can tell who's smarter by who gets better grades you don't need a new class! If someone is way to smart for the grade then ASK them if they want to skip a grade.

Also each grade should have the same amount of teachers who each teach everything. Then you can stay with your friends all day. If they talk to much just make them move seats. Let them talk during group projects were they choose the partners. If they are kids who talk to each other during class then don't let them pair up.

Also let people sit where they want at lunch! For the love of God, if you are going to separate u at least let us choose where we sit at lunch!

If you want switch classes you just ask and then if someone from that class wants to switch then you can switch classes!

I should be a principle.

Stay pale and freckle on!

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