Chapter 2: Territory of a Beast

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Wow faster then I thought soooooo UPDATE


Levy's POV

I fell alseep with the sounds of birds and now i'm being woken by them but they seem awfully loud this morning. I still had my eyes closed but I could still see a single ray of sunlight through the lids of my eyes, I suspect it's coming from the corner of one of the slabs. Annoyed by the flash of red that was over my eye lids I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was my basket. I least I have some books to pass the time, I smile at the thought but that smile imediately turned into a confused frown. It suddenly got really warm, even with my cloak I shouldn't be feeling this warm this early in the morning. 

I hesitantly pushed myself up from the ground, my arms were a bit stiff from laying on them all night, I looked at the boulder in front of me and I wobbled a bit.
'Okay Levy lift your arms off the ground' I thought to myself
I did exactly so and I yawned slightly rubbing my eyes but a sudden rush of heat rushed by me again and I slowly turned my head around to the enterence of my little hiding place and what I saw made me crawl back to the furthest corner of my hiding spot and I screamed. Right there in front of me was a scaled beast, it was as big as a house!
It was black and it's eyes were the most sharp shade of red I have ever seen. As soon as I screamed it breathed through it's nostroils causing another warm rush of air to rush towards me. 
I was breathing heavily and I looked over to my basket and back to the scaled beast then back to my basket; I tried to grab it but it growled and I flinched looking at it straight into it's deep red eyes.

It breathed again causing my blue hair to get out of my face but only for a breif second because my bangs are all over the place. What came next not only shocked me but made my skin come right off my body; not literally. It moved forward causing me to flinch again and it opened it's mouth. 
'Oh no it's going to eat me! Or bring me back to it's nest to share! Who am I kidding i'm too small to even satisfy one of these beasts. When it was finsihed opening it's mouth I put my arms in front of my face and payed to God for dear life, I don't care if he has a thing against mages I still beleive in this being but the bite never came instead I felt something tug onto my cloak and I was being dragged.
"Ah wait what are you doing!" I yelled
'Levy what is wrong with you! It's not like this beast can understand you!' I thought to myself
After I yelled the dragging seemed to stop and soon as I was pulled out of my little hiding spot and I was being lifted into the air, have I mentioned i'm afraid of heights?
I whimpered when we kept going higher but we suddenly stopped. I was hanging at least five meters into the air or ten, I can't even tell anymore. I felt another warm breath from the beast behind me and my hair flew in different directions. I slowly tried to turn myself around although I wasn't  all that successful I saw something that I couldn't believe but before I could comprehend it I turned to my original position.
"Are those wings..." I whispered to myself
I turned myself around again to get a better look, although I only breifly saw them again I knew for sure that they were indeed wings. Sharp black scaled wings.
I smiled but I imediately frowned when the beast started to move.
"What are you doing?" I asked no one in particular
No answer; of course. As the beast was moving I noticed I was getting dangerously close to a tree branch but that's when I noticed it. The branch moved everytime the beast took a step. I don't know how big or heavy this beast is but I might find out soon. I was suddenly let go but I didn't fall.
The Beast hung me on the tree branch! I looked down and I squealed a bit but I heard a loud huff and another puff of warm air rushed by me. I looked up at the beast and it was sitting on it's back legs and it was literally at eye level with me. I widened my eyes and I realised what this beast was.
"You're a Dra-Dragon?" I questioned
The Beast nodded as if it understood me, I looked at it in confusion but I just smiled and that seemed to make it tilt it's head a bit.
"I thought you were all extinct!" I questioned but I just shook my head but I must of moved whilst doing it because the branch moved and I squealed a bit.
I looked at the Dragon in front of me, it's scales they shined in the sun and I have no idea why i'm not terrified of it but i'm just merely happy. More magical beings, it's wonderful but i'm hoping it's not carnivorous.  
"Are there others?" I asked
I got no answer, he must be protecting them, if there are others,
"You don't have to answer but if you can understand me can I get down from here...i'm afraid of heights." I said nervously
Here I am talking to a Dragon that probably can't even understand me, the villagers must of really thrown a hard rock at your head.
The Dragon just opened it's mouth, showing it's sharp fangs, like it was grinning but it didn't move it just sat there on it's hind legs.
"Are you grinning?" I questioned in disbeleif
The Dragons so called grin just got wider and I could almost see all of it's teeth.
"You can obviously understand me, although I have no knowledge how." I paused "So get me down this instant!" 
The Dragons grin slowly faded and it's red eyes seem to widen, it got on all fours and looked at me and growled, causing my hair to fly around from it's breath I held onto my cloak for some support.
"Okay so you don't like being bossed around but it doesn't look like i'm getting down from here anytime soon." I replied
I looked around and a thought occurred to me. My Magic should be fully fuctional now, who needs a dragon to get you down.
I put my hands in front of me hoping I wouldn't fall.
"Solid Script Vines!" I yelled
The word Vines appeared in front of me but it thinned out into a long green rope vine. I grabbed it and managed to tie it onto the branch, I slowly unhooked my cloak leaving it hanging on the branch and I grabbed onto the vine sliding down it. When I reached the ground the vine dissappeared and I dusted my slightly tattered dress off, not that it wasn't already ruined. Before I could look back up to the Dragon my feet literally lifted of the ground when the large scaled Dragon slumped onto the ground like he was lying down and it just stared at me.
"You could cause an earthquake you know that?" I laughed nervously
The Dragon growled and I kept my mouth shut standing absolutly still. I noticed the Dragon's eyes look up at the branch where my cloak was to me then back to the branch; that's when I realised he was asking about my magic, well I think.
"Are you asking about my magic?" I asked
The Dragon nodded
"Well..." I paused and sighed "I was born a mage, both my parents were mages and they were shunned from my mothers side of the family but my fathers side were all mages." 
The Dragon looked at me, expecting to hear more.
"My magic is called Solid Script, I can make any word into a solid object." I paused again and breathed "Although when I turned ten my parents passed so i've been in hiding for eight years but just recently my town saw me use my magic to save a little boy from a fire and they chased me out, thretening to burn the 'witch' that I am and that's when I bumped into you...A Dragon." I finished
The Dragon stood up and started to circle me and the ground rumbled every now and then because of it's foot steps. It suddenly brought one of it's claws and put it above my head and I flinched but it didn't touch me.
"Wh-What?" I asked
The Dragon growled and looked at me and it's claw. I sighed, I have come to realise Dragons have extreme intelligence and he's gesturing at my height.
"You probably have seen other humans my age and yes i'm short now get your claws away from me please..." I huffed
I heard a low repeating growl like it was laughing, I turned to the Dragon and walked up to it.
"Yeah yeah laugh all you want." I said crossing my arms
The Dragon just looked at me and layed back down on the ground causing me to fall so I just sat down on the ground in front of it. I looked at my surroundings and I realised we are in the clearing.
"Do you come here often?" I asked
The Dragon growled in response
"I'll take that as a yes." I smiled
So I accidentally came across a Dragon's territory, what an interesting turn of events.


Chapter two done, and in a day too! 

Hope you liked this one, I have the whole story planned out just have to write it which will be the hard part.

So who is this Dragon? (Guess :P)

You'll find more about the Dragon in the next chapter :P

Solidly Real (GaLe FanFic Fairy Tail)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora