Chapter 4: Visitor

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I'm a happy GaLe Shipper

This is a shoutout to my best friend @OtakuGirl27 she writes fan fics and although she is still finishing some, following and reading her stuff would be sick (By the way she writes sexual stuff for all you perverted minds out there {Aka me...whoops})

Sorry it's been like ages :/



Levy's POV
The sound of birds woke me up. I love birds. I yawned and pushed myself from the grassy floor below me. I scratched my head and found my books have fallen out of my basket. Gajeel doesn't seem to be awake so I guess reading a bit won't hurt. I finished the prologue so on to chapter one!
I opened the book but just below the first chapter someone was already talking, casting a spell? what a weird way to start a book.

"Sine me dicere in lingua et serpentium .
Dimitte me, ut intelligerem spiritus eorum elementa .
Concede ."

It wrote. Strange it's written in latin? I haven't seen spells spoken or written in Latin since I read one of those forbidden books my parents had when I was a child. I wonder if this silly fiction books little 'spell' works?

"Sine me dicere in lingua et serpentium .
Dimitte me, ut intelligerem spiritus eorum elementa .
Concede ." I read out loud, carefully trying to pronounce the words properly.

A strong gust of wind suddenly blew my way, knocking the book from my hands. I gasped in surprise but it left as soon as it came. I sighed, dusting off my book and picking it up.
"Guess it doesn't work" I said to myself.

I stood up and brushed my tattered dress off and sighed. I really need to find better clothing but being in this situation prevents me to even buy clothes from the closest town. Which is my town. 
I picked up my book that fell to the ground and began reading some more and honestly it is amazing! So far it's about the Elder Dragons that were mentioned in the prolouge and their adventures even though Humans hate them because of the Dragon Acnologia. Gosh I hate that guy, uh I mean Dragon. Anyway they are powerful and they try to keep peace with all species but again that all got thrown out the window. And again, so far the humans rely on the mages to protect them from the Dragons who are siding with Acnologia. Most of the mages aren't as ignorant as most humans so they know who to kill and not to kill but others are power hungry and kill anything for money. What a bunch of inconsiderate chumps. 
I'm actually getting hungry and thirsty, I should see if Gajeel has anything to eat, otherwise I can just go berry bush and water hunting. I marked my page in the first book and placed it in my basket with my two other books and sighed in content. Good stories so far. I looked outside my hideout and realised it's almost midday, which is weird because I would have thought the Dragon would have woken me up or something or maybe Gajeel is considerate and actually thought I was sleeping. I wouldn't know, I just met the beast yesterday, and here I am talking like I just met a human.

(I really need to stop breaking this fourth wall)

I walked out of my shelter and headed towards the open space the Dragon seems to occupy himself in. Although, just now, I heard the sound of big wings flapping. So I looked up and saw Gajeel. Did he go somewhere? Then I realised something else was with him. Another Dragon! A light blue one if you want specifics!
I hid behind a tree just as their large feet hit the ground. I flinched doing so. Many thoughts were going through my head and I didn't know which one to follow.

What if this one isn't friendly like Gajeel?
Why is another Dragon here?
Gajeel did indicate that it is his territory!
Should I stay hidden?
What if Gajeel wants me to meet the Dragon?
What type of Dragon is it?

I breathed in slowly and decided to get some guts and get a proper look at the other Dragon. I slowly peeked my head from behind the tree and I was awe but I am also slightly confused. 
The Dragon was indeed light blue but it was smaller, a lot smaller. It had a kinder look to it but for some reason it had a face of worry and it seemed to be looking my way. Oh dear! It's looking my way! 
I quickly put my head back behind the tree and breathing got heavy. I could hear footsteps, large footsteps!
What is Gajeel doing? He knows i'm here? Will the dragon be accepting? I don't know! 
The Dragon and Gajeel walked past me and the light blue Dragon poked it's head into my shelter. What would have happened if I was there?
"Damn, that shrimp of human walked off again!" I heard a deep voice say?
Wait what? Is there humans here? And who are they calling a shrimp!
"Gajeel, Calm down and you told me her name was Levy?" A childs voice replied.
Wait! that's me. I walked out from behind the tree and stared at the Dragons before me. 
"Well yeah but she is a small human, she even said so herself." The deep voice said again, who I have now come to realise is Gajeel.
I heard a sigh but I couldn't even breathe. They can talk!
"Gajeel!" I Yelled so he could hear me. Him being so massive.
Gajeel's large head looked down towards me and those Red eyes stared into my brown ones.
"There she is." I heard Gajeel say again.
The smaller Dragon walked towards me and then around me, as if inspecting me. 
"She's a cute human!" The light blue dragon exclaimed. Her voice is one of a child.
"Um...thank you and Gajeel you didn't tell me you could talk." I replied, blushing at the female Dragons comment. 
Gajeel's red eyes widened and he walked towards me also. I felt rather pitiful standing before such mighty beasts but I managed to keep my posture.
"We can't speak your language unless we are-" 
The female dragon nudged Gajeel with her wing. 
"I mean we can not speak your language shrimp." Gajeel finished. 
I huffed at the last comment but replied. 
"Then how can I understand you. Yesterday you were all grunts, roars and growls and now you are talking to me with that deep voice of yours and calling me names." 
"What were you doing this morning Levy-san?" The female dragon asked me. Is this Dragon considered a child?
"Um...I was reading my book and I-" 
That's it! I read a spell! But it couldn't have worked right? It's just a bunch of silly latin words in a book!
"And you what?" Gajeel grunted. 
"I read a spell outload!" I said running to my shelter. I grabbed the book and opened to the first page of chapter one. Wow I just realised I read three hundred pages in those few hours. But back to the point. I ran to Gajeel and the other Dragon and showed them the words. 
"Can you guys read?" I suddenly asked, realising the situation. 
"Not particually Levy-san." The female said in a sad tone.
"Okay do you mind if I read it out?" I asked. 
They both nodded as if to say they don't mind. 
" goes." I paused and began to read
"Sine me dicere in lingua et serpentium .
Dimitte me, ut intelligerem spiritus eorum elementa .
Concede ."

I paused again and I saw them both look at me with bewilderment. 
"Do you know what it says? My latin is a bit rusty." I asked.
"Yes we do Lev-san." the female dragon replied.
"Well what is it?" I asked, holding the book to my chest.
"That spell grants you the power to understand dragons."
I widen my eyes but they looked concerned. 
"What?" I asked.
They looked at eachother and Gajeel said. 
"No one has heard that spell in thousands of years."
What books did my libarian give me?
"Gajeel-kun! You did mention Levy-san is a mage right?" The female asked. 
"Yeah I did...what about it." Gajeel replied, looking down on the smaller Dragon.
"I think we should take her to them." The smaller dragon finished. 
"Are you crazy? They haven't had contact with humans in uh-" Gajeel paused "Well you know! And who knows what they would do to her and those books she holds."
The female dragon sighed. 
"Who is them..." I asked.
The female dragon seemed to have been smiling and just said. 
"Well I don't think Gajeel-kin feels comfortable telling you at this moment in time. I do hope that's okay." She explained politely.
"Oh, of course." I replied.
Gajeel sighed. I quirked an eyebrow but  shrugged it off. 
Silence filled the air, but a question was lingering inside of my head. 
"Well now that I know the dragon is friendly-" 
"Oh call me Wendy!" The dragon interupted and smiled. I smiled back.
"Well now that I know Wendy is friendly, may I ask why you brought her here Gajeel?" I asked. 
"How come you knew she was female?" Gajeel said suddenly. 
I laughed. 
"Well if I hadn't have heard her voice or name, I wouldn't have but please answer my question." I finished.
Gajeel didn't answer.
"Well Levy-San, Gajeel-kun seems to embarrassed to say so but he notified me he found a human mage. She ran away from her village and he was concered of your cuts and bruised and asked me to help. Gajeel-kun is actually a real big softie!" Wendy explained. 
Gajeel turned around, as if to block out what she just said. I smiled.
"Well I'll give him my thanks but how can you help me?" I asked. 
"Well I am a sky Dragon. I can heal you." She explained. 
That's amazing! How many more varity's are there?
"Well i guess you can heal away Wendy-chan, although they aren't all that serious." I smiled. 
"Wendy-chan?" She seemed to be asking. 
" you not want me calling you that?" I asked. 
"No you can! Just haven't been called that before." She smiled "Now could you sit where you are standing and let me heal you?" She asked politely.
I nodded and sat down. I am so happy that spell in the book was there but why did it work?
Suddenly Wendy closed her eyes and her forehead touched mine. I tried not to flinch but instantly I could feel the slight aches go away. She wasn't lying when she said she could heal wounds. 
Wendy pulled her head away and opened her  eyes, smiling. I smiled also, realising she had chocolate brown eyes like me. Cute.
"Thank you Wendy-Chan. And Gajeel for bringing her here!" I thanked. 
A grunt could be heard and I knew he heard me. 
But who are 'them?' and why is Gajeel so hesitant about telling me?


HAHA I updated. This may not be as famous as my last GaLe fan fic but it has amazing feed back!

Hope you enjoyed and whoop! Wendy appeard!

What will happen next? You will find out xx

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