Chapter 3: Intriguing isn't it?

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Although this is a new fan fic it has become successful so far, Considering I already have a fan base on GaLe readers.

This chapter is Dedicated to my friend SavenRose! I met him a few days/a week ago and we are already best buds, it's like we have known eachother for ages X3

Hope you enjoy xx


Levy's POV

I think I have been sitting here for a solid half hour. I mean I just met a dragon, It has no intention of eating me but Dragon or not it's very demanding; for example, After sitting for a solid ten minutes, I tried to stand up to go grab my basket that has my books in it but It just growled at me so I sat down and it stopped.

I haven't had breakfast yet and in a few hours it will be lunch so in short, i'm hungry.

"I don't know why you want me to sit here but I am hungry and would really like some food." I suddenly said

I have also come to realise it can understand me perfectly fine so call me crazy but it's like talking to a cat when you're lonely. A big, scaley, demanding and scary cat.

Out of no where the Dragon jumped up and slowly started to flap it's huge wings and after a few seconds it started flying away. I fell over slightly with the amount of wind it was making. After a few more seconds I huffed in annoyance, so it just decides to fly away, great. At least I can get my books now. I stood up and walked over to the little hide out I had, it's not really a hideout anymore considering a Dragon, of all things, found me. When I entered the hideout I heard a loud thump and I turned around to see the Dragon and It appeared to have something in it's mouth. I grabbed my basket and walked over to it. It seemed to be looking around but when it looked down to see me standing in front of It; It lowered it's head and placed a bunch of fruits infront of me, that's when he layed back down onto the ground causing a loud thump.

"Food?" I questioned

I sat down and looked at what the Dragon gave me and I saw apples and different types of berries but one thing intrigued me, it was a large metal chunk. I looked up at the Dragon and it was just watching me, kinda creepy if you ask me. I hesitantly picked up the chunk of metal and I realised it was iron.

"Iron? Why do you have Iro-" But I was interuppted.

The Dragon leaned forward and grabbed the chunk of iron out of my hands and ate it. The Dragon ate the iron! I swallowed my salivia; wow, strong teeth I guess?

"Su-Surely you're still hungry? I mean I do have alot of fo-food here." I said nervously

No answer, not even a nod, I sighed and grabbed an apple taking a bite out of it. I smile at the taste, it was one of the freshest apples i've tasted in a while, must of been freshly picked.

After I finished my apple I ate a few berries and my stomach was satisfied, for now.

"Thank you Dragon." I said smiling up to the beast.

I got a soft growl in reply, grumpy fella. I stood up and brushed off my orange dress, although there really was no point anymore. I looked back at the Dragon and even though it was lying down it's head height was about my height, maybe a bit shorter. I don't know why I was doing this but I started to walk forward; closer and closer I was getting to this beast. The Dragon started to growl and move backwards but I put my hand out anyway. The Dragon growled louder and I flinched pulling my hand back.

"S-Sorry...don't know what came over me." I said stepping back

The Dragon growled again so I stopped stepping backwards and I just looked at it, huffing a bit of my messy hair out of my face.

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