f o u r t e e n

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"Maeve!"Hunter yelled, as he ran up the stairs of his parents house in Bellingham Massachusetts, and walked into Maeve's room to find her laying on her bed, watching the Patriots game.

"Hey."Maeve mumbled, not breaking her eyes from the football game, as Brady threw a pass to Gronk.

"Hey."Hunter Closed Maeve's door, before sitting on her bed, and giving her a soft smile.

"Ashley, Kayla, and Jake are worried about you, Ashley and Kayla want you to call them later."Hunter explained and Maeve shook her head.

"Not going to happen."She scoffed, wrapping herself tighter in her Bruins blanket, and Hunter sighed.

"I know this is hard on all of us, but you need to tell them what's going on with mo—"Maeve cut off her older brother shaking her head.

"No because then they'll all wanna come and comfort me when all I want is to be left alone."Tears gathered in Maeve's eyes, and Hunter sighed.

"I know you do Maeve, and I know this is hard on you, this is har—" Maeve cut off her older brother once more by looking at him.

"No you don't Hunter! You honestly don't because you never had that bond with mom that I did Alright?! She's gone and there's nothing we can do about it!"Maeve snapped, before bursting into tears, and Hunter enveloped his younger sister into a hug.

Sobs started to rack her body as the two siblings sat on Maeve's bed, and Hunter rubbed his sisters back..

The two sat in silence, besides the patriots game quietly playing in the background.

"She's gone."Maeve sobbed, and hunter sighed, with a few tears slipping down his cheek..

"I know.. but we have She hasn't completely left.. she's still in our hearts.."Hunter whispers, and caused Maeve to burst into a great set of tears..

"Why did she have to go?"She Questioned, her voice cracking and Hunter sighed..

"I don't know Mae, I wish I did but I don't.."Hunter sighed once more, before the two sat on the bed, with no more words spoken.

It took a few minutes for Hunter to calm down his younger sister, and when he did, he found her sighing.

"Do you want me to tell them that you don't wanna talk right now?"Hunter asked, and Maeve nodded, before hunter hugged her once more, and left her room, leaving Maeve there watching the football game.


I decided to post two chapters.

And now you've found out what happened..


Fun fact i am from New England, and not a pats fan.


Go Atlanta Falcons.😉


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