s e v e n t e e n

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"Hunter I like where we're sitting though!"Maeve argued, as Her brother dragged her to will-call, and Hunter sighed.

"Your going to like this more."Hunter huffed, as the two made it to the line of will-call, decked out in black and gold.

The line was a bit slow, but it moved along and the two made it to a will-call box, an Maeve forced a smile.

"Hi can I help you?"The nice lady inside the will call box asked, and Maeve nodded, fumbling with her wallet.

"Hi, I was told to come to will call by one of my friends."Maeve started, and the lady nodded, as Maeve caught sight of her name tag reading Bella.

"your name?"Bella asked, and Maeve pulled out her I.D

"Maeve DeLuca."Maeve Let Out a shaky breath, and Bella nodded, with a smile tugging at her lips.

"Ah, Mr.DeBrusk had dropped off something for you earlier, I just need to see your I.D."Bella explained, walking into the back, and Grabbing an envelope, and Maeve nodded.

Bella came back with the envelope, as Maeve slid her I.D under the glass, and Bella looked at it, before sliding it back under the glass, Along with the envelope.

"Enjoy the game guys."Bella smiled once more, and Maeve thanked her, before Herself and Hunter removed themselves from the line, and moved towards the wall, with a few people, considering it was 4:30.

"Holy shit.."Maeve opened up the envelope, and her eyes widened at the sight of what was inside.

Two front row tickets, some money, along with a note.

"Hey Maeve,
I wanted to see you tonight so when the games over, go downstairs to the locker room, and tell the security your name, and hunters name, and show them this note, and they'll know what to do.

Love ya, Jake."

"What did he give you?"Hunter furrowed his eyebrows before Maeve showed him, and his eyes went wide, "Holy shit.."

"Who are we going to give our tickets to now?"Hunter asked, and Maeve smirked.

"Oh I've got two people in mind."

"Maeve I swear to god if your shitting us your ass is dead."Kayla threatened as Ashley and herself met up with Maeve and Hunter..

"Oh I'm not."Maeve pulled out Her and Hunters old tickets, and Ashley laughed.

"DeBrusk is a crazy man."Ashley shook her head, and Maeve grinned, as the two girls hugged her..

"It's game day girls."Maeve grinned widely, before the four made they're was into line, and Maeve shot Jake a text.


You are such a fucking asshole😂

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