Daniel Seavey - American Idol

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I walk out of my house about to do my usual coffee run for myself and today also for my mom. I enter the coffee shop to get my regular, which the barista has already memorized from daily coffee runs I usually do before school. But considering it was a Saturday I came a little later than usual. As I was waiting for my coffee order I see this tall guy with brown hair and the most bright blue eyes I've seen for a good while. He's sitting by a window at a two seated table by himself.

Have I seen him before? Do I know him? I feel like I do.

I guess my peripheral vision isn't too good because he looks towards me and notices me and smiles. I obviously smile back but I still can't pinpoint who he is.

"1 Straight Cappucino and 1 Mocha Blend for (Y/N)" I hear the barista yell as I look over and grab my two cups and thank the barista. I look back over at the boy in curiosity, I mean I may know him. We look the same age. I mean I definitely know we're not related so its okay that I think he's cute. I walk over to his empty table by an empty chair, take out one of my earbuds.

"Hey, this seat is taken?" I ask him. He shakes his head smiling.

"Alright," I said plopping down onto the chair across from him.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but do I know you?" He asked the first time I ever heard his voice.

I'm sure I know this boy! I recognize his voice.

"Oh, no that's not rude, I was about to ask you the same question." I smiled letting out a quick laugh.

"Oh, so, well-" He stuttered as I took a sip from my drink. "I'm Daniel." He said holding his hand out.

"I'm (Y/N)," I said shaking his hand.

"I swear, I've seen you before, have you ever been on TV or do we go to the same school?" I question.

"Oh, I- I don't think we go to the same school. My last name is Seavey if that helps." He says taking a sip from his own cup. I think until it hits me.

"Oh, you're from American Idol!" I realize.

"Oh, yeah and that." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"My-my mom watches that a lot so that's probably why," I say.

"Oh, that's cool. I was on it last year." He answers.

"But you look so different," I say noticing his more developed jawline and body and shaggier hair.

"Yeah, a lot happens in a year." He says winking at me as I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Cool, so your," I think. "16 now?"

"Yep." He nods.

"Oh cool, me too. But my mom still doesn't trust me with her car." I smile as he lets out a light chuckle.

"So, (Y/N), do you live here in Portland?" He asked.

"Yeah, for my whole life actually," I said sipping on my drink. "What about you?"

"Yeah, me too. I've actually started out street performing here." He said.

"No way that's so cool. I sing a little but nothing to fancy." I smile.

"Cool, we should sing together sometime," Daniel said.

"Yeah," I agree blushing a little. I realize my phones dings with a notification.

"Oh, I gotta go home, my mom needs her coffee," I said holding my mom's drink as I stand up.

"Er, Uh, do you want me to walk you home?" Daniel says as he stands up pushing his chair in a little flustered.

"Sure, why not Seavey," I said as I threw my empty cup out.

We left the coffee shop as we started walking my way home.

"So I'm sure everyone has asked you this but, how was it like being on American Idol." I smiled as we were walking side by side.

"It was a really crazy experience," Daniel said. "Everyone was so nice and talented."

"Cool," I said as we were walking.

"You know Seavey, your not as shallow as most celebrities seem to be," I say as I started stepping onto the curb.

"Well, I'm not a celebrity so that's probably why I'm not shallow." He said taking my hand as I started to wobble on the thin curb.

"Thanks," I said. "Well Seavey, your gonna make it big you know," I said taking bigger steps.

"Thanks (Y/N), you're so sweet." He said holding my hand as I jumped off the curb right by him which ended in us walking holding hands, looking like a couple.

"Smooth (Y/N), Smooth," Daniel said laughing as we started swaying our arms. I let out a light giggle.

"Well, I do remember one of your interviews you said 'I LiKe NiCe GiRlS. I LiKe PrEtTy GiRlS." I said mocking him as he laughed.

"Well (Y/N), you definitely fit into both of those categories." He said which caused me to blush as I looked away from him at the Portland view instead.

"Why thank you, Daniel, for your not to bad yourself," I said as we arrived at my house. We stopped by my mailbox as I grabbed a pen from my pocket.

"Here, give me your arm," I said as he gave me his arm in suspicion. I wrote on his arm my number.

Call me Seavey, (503) 000 7777 - The Nice and Pretty Girl.

"You know you're not as douchy as most guys are," I said as he smiled and blushed a little.

"Well (Y/N), do you maybe wanna hang out with me some time? Like 8 tonight?" Daniel said turning a little red.

"Daniel Seavey, are you asking me on a date?" I laughed.

"Erm, only if you want it to be." He gushed. I inspected him to make him more nervous.

"Well, then I'll see you at 8 tonight for our date." I gushed as I saw his eyes turn brighter than they ever were before.

"Alright, I'll text you till then." Daniel smiled still close to me.

"Can't wait!" I smiled.

I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek as I walked off into my house, about to freak out that I have a date!

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