~Information about this Book~

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Hello~, Poofy's little Robins

Before i tell you anything about this book, @PoofyPhoenix is the Original Creator of this book, All rights (besides Dc characters) go to her for making this amazing story! she has decided to no longer continue the story, so i will be taking over after chapter 5! Hope you all enjoy the rest of the book and my work :)


Okay, so about this book. This is a Damian Wayne X Reader story. (duh) It is made by me!

This was technically requested by s/he said she would see two of my one-shots from my Bat-family X Reader One-shots book put into a book. So thank you for the request and I hope this will be a lovely book.   Okay so here is some information about my book,

•You are the Princess or a Kingdom called Lunarscapes, like the name? I thought about it myself  

•You are fourteen at the beginning of this story

• You are trained in karate, sword fighting and many other things.

Here are the Keys:

•Y/n= Your name

•F/c= Favorite Color

•L/n= Last name

•F/n= Fathers name (If you don't have one than just think of a random name)

That is it, for now, I will add more if needed if not than just have fun and continue reading! Bye for now, my Little Robins!

The Assassins Princess A Damian Wayne x reader (Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now