chapter two

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Shuichi's P.O.V.
Kokichi led me backstage, my anxiety becoming greater and greater. It was surprisingly messy back there, even though the movies usually pictured them as busy and clean. Not.. Busy and dirty. All of the hand sewn outfits Kokichi used during the concert lay in a pile for washing. Props, food wrappers, amd garbage lay strewn about, almost as if they were supposed to be there. I glanced over towards one of the other people backstage, and immediately recognized them. I turned my head away as soon as he caught my eye. When I looked back towards my short tour guide, I could see that he was pouting. "Ehhhh?? The cute boy is more interested in my manager than me??? How rude!!!" I couldnt believe my eyes. Kaito... Was Kokichi's manager??? He said he did make good pay.. But I.. I never imagined this.... I became extremely dizzy for a moment. "A- ah! S- sorry..." I said quickly, trying to calm Kokichi down. Instantaneously, he stopped. "Woooow! Maybe this cutie knows some manners after all!" My face flushed a little, partly from rage, partly from... N- nevermind.

"Soooooo? What do you think of the place?" Kokichi stretched out his arms, gesturing to the backstage. "I- it's awesome.." I smiled at him sincerely. He chuckled. "I know! It's perfect for someone as evil as I!" Kokichi put his arms back to his sides, and gave me a small tour. His dressing room, the props, the setting, lighting, everything! It was facinaring. I almost let myself forget about the task at hand for a single moment until... "Shuichi... Meet my manager, Kaito!!" I gasped. "K- Kaito!?" "Hey, Shuichi! Long time no see! Where've you been?" I went into a blind panic. My brain was shutting down, and my vision was getting spotty. Kaito... My childhood best friend.. Kokichi's manager....? Worst of all.. He didn't even know that my uncle is part of the yakuza and that I am heir to lead it... And I.. I have to kill him..? "Oh! You two know each other?" Kokichi said cheerfully. My brain muffled the sound of his voice as I processed the situation I was in. "Yep! Me and Shuichi are best buds! Ever since we were kids!!" Kaito was upbeat and happy as per usual.. This... This didn't help.


Kokichi took me out for a VERY late dinner, and gave me his phone number and email address. Kaito also gave me his updated email and number, and I walked home with a pit in my stomache. I have to kill my best friend. I can't do it. I thought, panicking to myself. The road was slick with a midnight rain, and my hair was stuck to my head. My bangs were stuck to my face, but I left them like that. I was too sad and scared to move them out of my face. I stopped for a minute, and stared at the cement. I.. I couldn't feel anything but a hole opening up inside of me and swallowing me whole. It felt like everything I ever cared about was crashing down on me in an enormous, horrible wave. I felt nauseous. I puked on the sidewalk, my head still spinning. I then realised that people might see me just standing out here, and report me to neighborhood watch or whatever the hell they call it, and stumbled my way back home.

Hi everyone! I hope everyone reading enjoyed chapter two of Backstage! I reaaaaaaalllllyyyyy love this so far, and I think that I may have some friends help me out with grammar, spelling, plot, ect. because this is all coming out of my own head while I write sooo.....

Do you guys like the cover edit for this? I made it myself and I am super happy how it came out. UvU

Anyways, see you next time!

Word count: 651 words

backstage - a saiouma fic Where stories live. Discover now