chapter four

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shuichi's p.o.v.
I stood outside of the coffee house Kokichi was talking about on the phone, and nervously shuddered. I couldn't control it. I was having a meal with a popstar who is known across the globe. I smiled a bit, realizing he thought of me as he saw the coffee and wine bar. I was still in high school, so I can't drink, but I have a minor obsession with iced coffee, so its alright. I've tasted wine in the past, and it was terrible anyways. I opened the door to the coffee house, and noticed that Kokichi wasn't here yet. I sat down at one of the tables and picked at my skin while waiting for him. Its a bad habit I developd from my anxiety, I admit, but its a very hard one to break. About five minutes lapsed, and Kokichi still wasn't here. I had gotten myself a small tea, resisting the temptation of coffee for right now. I was starting to get nervous. Has Kokichi forgotten?? Did he ditch me? Is he okay? I pushed away those thoughts and told myself that he was okay, and continued to sit and wait. Ten minutes, fifteen minutes.. Almost twenty minutes later, Kokichi rushed in. He looked panicked and a bit upset, but he grinned. "Sorry I'm late!! I had a bit of stuff to do! Kirumi wouldn't stop bugging me about the stiching on my outfits.." He chuckled nervously. "Ah.. I-its quite alright. My uncle is like that too.." I smirked at him a bit, hiding the reddened and slightly bleeding skin (from where I've been picking at it) on my hand down under the table. I put my empty glass of tea aside and folded my hands in my lap.

We talked for a while, mostly about random shit and inside jokes. I haven't laughed as hard as I did in many years. Suddenly, Kokichi jolted up slightly. "Hey! I don't know too much about you Shuichi!" "Y-... You don't..?..." I gulped down my anxiety in that moment, and tilted my head to the side slightly. "Yeah!! Do you have any brothers? Sisters? Whats your mom and dad like?!" He spoke with enthusiasm, and leaned forward a bit. "A- ah... I don't have any siblings actually.. And my parents died when I was five.. I grew up with my uncle for most of my life.." As I rambled, my voice wavered a bit. Kokichi nodded along, and his expression dropped a bit. "Oh.. I'm so sorry for your loss... But hey!! You're like Batman now!" His eyes sparkled and he looked a bit excited as he nerded out over this.. 'Batman'. "W- who?" "No one important silly!! Now what does your uncle do for a living!" That's what I was afraid of.. I just thought of the cover job he uses during family reunions and stuff. "Oh, h- he works as a private lawyer.. he hasn't lost a case in a while and I'm super proud of him.." Kokichi smiled again. "Awesome!!" "How about you, Kokichi? D- do you have any sisters or brothers?.." Kokichis expression darkened. "Oh... Uh.. No.. I have friends who are close enough to siblings though. They are awesome." My heart sank slightly. "That's pretty nice. I never really had any friends in school or anywhere. I never had enough time for social stuff with-" "HOLD. UP. YOU'VE NEVER HAD A FRIEND??" Kokichi looked absolutely shocked. "I- I mean, Kaito and I have been friends forever.. but we kinda drifted away.... he was the only one who hung around me as a kid.." I spoke, sorrow in my voice. I had almost told him everything. How my uncle forced me into yakuza training, how I was forced to steal shit from people, how I got into fights about not having proper family... and everything else. Fortunately, he cut me off though. Somehow, he made me feel like opening up. I've never met someone like that. P- plus he's pretty c... nevermind.. "SHUICHI, BE MY FRIEND. NOW." He stared me dead in the eyes, grinning from ear to ear. "A- alright.. I'll be your friend.."


After the meet up, we went our separate ways. He instantaneously messaged me via text.

Hey shu shu!

I had a lot of fun today!

We should meet up sometime again! >3o~

My face flushed red, and I smiled while reading the texts. I began to walk back towards my house, tired from being outside for so long. I needed a long nap. It was about 4 pm by now, so I needed to start cooking dinner soon.

Hi there everyone! I hope you enjoyed the small bit of fanservice in this chapter! I am writing this at my friends house and her cat clawed my legs really badly while writing this. (YOU WANNA KNOW HOW I GOT THESE S C A R S?)
Anyways, I am really loving this book so far, haha. I love it so much. :)

Batman References: 2 (3 from this? Idek xd)
Word count: 860 words

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