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I've been trying to eat healthily, but I'm also having pizza tonight.

Before M started working, we had pizza night every Saturday- but her shifts get in the way of it now so we only have it every month or two.

I feel weird writing this because this entry is literally me just writing about pizza because nothing else has happened in my life.

There is about four and a half week left of my summer holiday and I'm going to Paris for one of them.

We're spending half of the week in Disney land, and the other half exploring the city.

A came round yesterday and we watched orange is the new black. We got up to season 4 even though we were planning on revising. Whoops.

I let her take my finished biology booklet home so she can copy what I did and then she's dropping it off before she leaves for her Holiday in Orlando.

She told me about how things aren't doing well with her parents, and their taking time apart. I hope it works out fine for them because A has been through enough and doesn't need to go through a divorce.

I feel sorry for everything she has been through because she doesn't deserve it. Especially what happened last term.

A is my best friend. I have had best friends before, but I've never really 'connected' with them if that makes sense. I would have to laugh at jokes I didn't find funny and be more polite so they didn't get offended. But with A it's just natural and easy. She comes round to my house a lot, and my family consider her family.

I don't want to say too much, just incase someone who knows me manages to figure out everything. I don't think code names is enough to stop people from knowing.

Or maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Anyway, school starts in less than five weeks and this will be my GCSE year- year 11. In America, I think it means I would be a sophomore, 10th grade.

My revision hasn't gone completely to plan, but I have been going on a run most mornings- so my exercise has.

Surprisingly, I'm looking forward to the first week or so of school, because of the new books and new start. I feel like I am more confident now but I don't really know why.

A couple of people at school told me last year that some people find me intimidating- which I told my sister and she couldn't stop laughing.

They said it was because I raise one eyebrow a lot and am not afraid of confrontation.

I don't mean to be 'intimidating' at all, but I think often look pissed off even though I'm not. I told my friends I sit with at lunch, A, AH, AJ and K what the person said and they also laughed.

I think I just come across as a certain way because a lot of people in my year will say things behind people backs and then fear the confrontation that comes afterwards, and are not used to actually being questioned about why they did something that they weren't supposed to do.

Or when someone says something stupid when telling a story and they don't expect them to get called out. If I were to do that, I wouldn't 'call them out' in a mean way, I would just show that I know they are lying or something.

I don't know if this sounds bad or anything, but I can't really word it any different. I don't think intimidating is the right word, I think It is just confidence. Not a lot, but more than before.

I want to start this year confidently and kindly, but also I need to do a lot of work to do well in my end of years and mocks.

I hope me and A don't get in as much drama as last year.

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