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[May 30th, 1982]


It was utter chaos. Smoke and flames rose from the destroyed cars, a police helicopter flew above them, a reporter with a mic in the passenger side as they fly above the scene, and blood smearing the rough gravel of the bridge as Jongin drags Minseok's body to safety. Baekhyun takes it all in and grits his teeth. And in the midst of it all, he wonders, where the hell was that bastard Johnny Park? He didn't want to spend the entire time hiding behind these stupid cars until the police decided they wanted to storm the area and either kill them all or send them straight to jail for what's sure to be the trial of the century. No, Baekhyun wants to do what he came here for, and that's to kill Johnny Park. Besides, they were already going down, why not take the bastard down with them?

It's with that in mind that he starts to crawl from behind the two crashed cars that they have all been hiding behind since the police first opened fire on them. It seemed that the only one they wouldn't outright shoot at was Jongin, which allowed him to go back and get Minseok's body. Someone grabs the back of his shirt when he starts to move, making Baekhyun look back to find Chanyeol giving him a 'what the hell are you doing?' look. But Baekhyun just smirks and grabs the younger's arm before pulling him from behind the car with him.

And he's expecting the cops to open fire as soon as they make their appearance from behind the cars, but instead, Baekhyun squints at the police force to find them simply standing there, guns aimed with seemingly no intentions to fire them. And that's fine, Baekhyun thinks, it's perfect actually. He pulls Chanyeol along, the younger stumbling behind him as they make their way to the bridge's split off. And that's when Baekhyun spots them, a pair of hands gripping the edge of the split bridge, gripping for dear life. At the sight of the black ring on their finger, signifying their high ranking boss status, Baekhyun pushes Chanyeol towards them because this is the moment they've all been waiting on. But when he notices the way the younger is hesitating, actually looking a bit unsure, he feels anger start to consume him.

"Are you serious?" He grits out, voice wavering from his anger. But when Chanyeol just continues to hesitate, staring at Johnny Park who's hanging onto the bridge, desperately trying to keep himself from falling into the water below to his death, Baekhyun shoves the taller with his jaw clenched, "Do you not realize what we've been through just now? Scratch that, what you've been through since that fucking bastard came back into the picture? Nearly killing you, whatever the hell he did to Jongdae, not to mention kidnapping Mina, your daughter, Chanyeol-"

"I know!" Chanyeol snaps, seemingly losing his tempter as well at the mention of Johnny Park even being in the vicinity of his family. But his momentary outburst is gone just as quickly as it comes and he sighs, resting his hands on his head and closing his eyes as he murmurs quietly, "I know."

"Then fucking kill him." Baekhyun tells him, looking nothing like the man who had been in mourning for the past few weeks.  Sometimes it still caught Chanyeol off guard just how fast the elder could flip the switch. One minute he was so human, so vulnerable and open. But that same humanity only seemed to last seconds before he slipped his mask back on. The same mask that was staring back at Chanyeol with a look that only someone with as many years in their lifestyle that Baekhyun possessed could wear. The younger watches then as Baekhyun adds, "Because if you don't then I will."

And Chanyeol knows that it isn't an empty threat, especially not coming from Baekhyun it isn't. But for some reason, he feels a bit anxious as he nods in understanding. And his feet feel as if there's heavy concrete weighing them down as he makes his way to Johnny Park. He's aware that the the entirety of the police squadron is watching from down below, but Baekhyun's gaze feels the heaviest as he approaches where Johnny's hands are gripping the edge of the bridge for dear life. Chanyeol swallows thickly when he gets close enough to finally get a look at Johnny's face. The older man's eyes are wide as he holds desperately to the only thing keeping him from falling to his own death. But when he spots Chanyeol, he forces a smile, albeit the panic still lingering in his eyes.

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