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[June 9th, 1982]


Things grew a bit quiet after the bridge incident. Or rather, the police seemed to have backed off and the goodfellas were thankful for the chance to recover and the time to mourn Minseok's death properly. Of course, not everyone got a real break. Suho grew distant as he tried to deal with Minseok's absence. And Chanyeol spent a majority of his time in court rooms and lawyers offices, trying to deal with the divorce as best as he could. But things were recovering, slowly but surely. Of course, the silence from law enforcement's end wasn't a good thing. It was a sign that something was brewing on the horizon.

And it was only a matter of time before it all fell apart.

Still, they decided to enjoy the calm before the storm as best as they could.



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"You still love her."

Chanyeol blinks, looking away from where Maya stood with her lawyer near the entrance of the courthouse. His own lawyer stood beside him, him towering over her as they stand outside the courtroom. Benji, his lawyer, looked like a 12 year old girl compared to the older, more serious looking ones roaming the courthouse, suitcases and solemn expressions in tact. Benji herself has a cup of yogurt and two butterfly clips holding back her long black hair as she stares up at Chanyeol with wide eyes that remind him of Mina.

"And she still loves you." Benji notes, recalling how many glances Maya had stolen at Chanyeol as well. The young lawyer sighs, puffing her cheeks as she mutters, "Getting divorced when you're still in love - I don't understand it. Rich people are weird."

"You say that as if you're not rich yourself." Chanyeol tells her with an amused smile.

"Ah, now see. That's where you're wrong." Benji replies, wagging a finger at him before tossing her yogurt cup, the object hitting another lawyer on the shoulder. Chanyeol smirks in amusement as he watches the man remove the yogurt cup with an annoyed look, leaving streaks of strawberry-banana yogurt on his gray suit while Benji continues, "I endured almost eight years of school and carry around this expensive ass suitcase, all in the name of justice. But really, I only have like $16 dollars in my bank account. Seriously, this is going to be my third night eating ramen noodles while you're probably eating steak and caviar every night Mr. Rich guy."

Chanyeol does laugh at this, shaking his head at his eccentric lawyer. He turns and starts to make his way through the now crowded courthouse. For some reason, he really didn't want to lose sight of Maya. He can't help but to smile at the sound of Benji's heels as she struggles to keep up with him.

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