Did you know,Rogers? (Ironstrange + Stony + Stucky)

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Post-Civil War AU,where Bucky doesn't get frozen and live with Steve in a far away city where the law can't find them.

Woke up almost half an hour ago,Steve made his way towards the computer to check on what he learned being e-mails. Coffee at hand,he slowly opened up the monitor.

Entering to the site he learned about from Natasha,he looks through the e-mails.

It's almost the same,Messages from Agent Coulson,some stupid spams and so on.

But something is new. Something that was sent really,really late at night.

Curious,Steve clicks on the post.

It's from... Tony?

Steve smiles,a bit somberly. It's been such a long time since he heard from his dear Tony. After he left him there... On the ground.

Suddenly a soft guilt creeps in him. After getting out of Siberia with his Bucky,he learned that the part he dismembered with his shield was actually an Arc Reactor,keeping Tony alive.

He never actually wanted to kill Tony. He was just protecting Bucky...

Snapping out of his thoughts,Steve scrolled down.

There was a video,and a little message that made Steve really concerned.

Like what you did? -SS.

'SS?' Steve thought. Who even was that? He had never heard such name and last name starting with an S.

Can't resist the concern and curiousity anymore,Steve clicked on the video. Making sure the volume was down since his Bucky was still asleep.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y,Start recording."​​​


After a beep,Tony settled down in front of the monitor that was currently filming him. Nervous,and absolutely a wreck.

After he came back from Siberia and almost died,he had lost many pounds. His eyes were more dull and hopeless than ever with big purple bags under. He was drinking way more than he used to,which was already too much.

Taking a big gulp of the bottle at hand,he leaned back,trying to speak in his usual sarcastic and beamy tone. But failing. His voice was weaker,cracking more often. So no matter how much he said no,everybody could have been aware he was not okay.

"Hey Cap. How have things been to you and Bucky? Better than me,I bet. You may be wondering why you are even watching this right now,if you are,of course. Pretty sure you erase every single e-mail under the name of Anthony Stark."

He laughed fakely. Even thinking about how Steve hates him,after all the memories,he would break even more. Barely having the courage to even record himself now.

But he had to... Just because he wanted Steve to see what he done. What he done to Tony. Oh,and because he was a bit drunk,too.

Sighing,the broken man took another gulp from his drink. The rest of the bottles he consumed around his workbenches.

"Did you know,Rogers? I have been writing to you. But someone as miserable as me,of course could never bring themselves to send those to you. I have them under my hands now.. I sometimes read them and laugh. They're funny,you know. And pathetic. I'm saving you from cringe by not letting you see them,don't worry."

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