Chapter One

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"Y/N! Are you packed?" Ma shouted from her place with the rest of your family in the living room.

"Almost!" You responded, zipping up your suitcase. You finally did it. You'd achieved your dream of passing U.A.'s entrance exam and were finally on your way to being a professional hero - like your ma, dad, and siblings before you. You could live up to your family name, Ōtā, and be a top hero. You were destined for greatness anyway, as the only Ōtā who had a mashup quirk.

Plus, you didn't have any friends in America. Everyone avoided you because of your heroic heritage. It was finally time to kiss this country goodbye, though: you were going to U.A. high school!

"Are you done fangirling yet?" A playfully annoyed voice sounded from your doorway, causing you to jump. It was your older sister, Akarui.

"Onē-Chan, don't scare me like that! I almost had a heart attack! And if I had a heart attack, I couldn't grow up to be a hero like you!" You countered, dragging the suitcase over to the door. Akarui laughed and ruffled your H/C hair.

"C'mon, we'll miss the flight!" She lead you to the living room where the family was waiting. They all had an expectant look on their face as they looked at you, telling you of the unspoken responsibility of to become one of the world's best heroes.


"WE'RE HERE! WE'RE FINALLY HERE!" You smiled, hopping out of the car with overexcitement. "Are Oji-San and Obā-San home? Can I meet them yet?"

"Jeez kid, calm down." Hīru pinched your nose. "It's not like your gonna become the next top-tier hero in existence!" He picked you up and hoisted you up onto his muscular shoulders.

"Onii-San! I'm not a little girl anymore!" You laughed as you attempted to get off of his tall shoulders and failed accordingly.

Hīru blew his fluffy brown hair out of his eyes and put you down. "Is that so?" He said sarcastically. Of course, he was joking. But, he had grown to be 182 centimeters tall. And you were a mere 157.

"Hush, you two! Oji-San hasn't seen Y/N-Chan since she was a baby! She wants to see her!" Ma ordered, immediately shutting the both of you up.

You nodded and walked to the heightened doors. So tall, that Hīru could actually walk through them. It was a Minka-style house, with sliding doors, presumably tatami flooring, and a engawa made of bamboo.

Father slid the door open. "Take your shoes off when we step in. The floor is very delicate." He warned.

The room that you entered was wide, with the same sliding doors used to come in the house. Gladly, you didn't have to worry about thieves or killers, because you were in the middle of a secluded area that almost no one knew the whereabouts of. You had a family friend arrange take you to school with a girl who was also attending U.A. high.

You heard your name being called by your parents, after they let you become lost in thought for fifteen minutes. They were calling you over to meet your grandparents, who hadn't seen you in fourteen years and you hadn't seen since ever because you were a baby.

You shyly opened to door to discover your entire family, sitting cross-legged at the sitting table in the living room. Your grandmother placed down her black tea set, which was a family heirloom, and walked up to you, giving you the signature family hug.

Her hair was a mix of black and gray, and her skin was a pale-ish shade of tan. Her eyes were blue, reminding you of those turquoise tourmalines that you saw in that museum. She wore black kimono with a pink sash and lovely, pink Sakura blossoms on it. Magically, she didn't look a day over twenty, other than her stature, which said everything.

"Oh, hello dearie! Look how much you've grown." She pinched your cheeks lovingly, inviting you over to the table to have tea. The tea set was black, but the insides of the cup were painted the same turquoise color of grandmother's eyes. "Unfortunately, grandfather had to leave and get groceries, so he isn't here right now."

Grandmother poured you some chamomile tea. "Thank you, Oji-San." You nodded as you politely sipped the bland liquid. "It's my favorite type."

"Oh dearie, it's everyone's favorite. Even your disrespectful mother, who, as a child, claimed that she hated tea." Grandmother glared at her grinning daughter.

"Mama, I was seven." She laughed, filling the Minka with a warm welcome. You smiled along, happy that you were just so lucky to be blessed with this wonderful family.


"We need the youngest Ōtā child on our side!" The mysterious old man proclaimed demandingly. He was met with shocking gasps from the other villains in his clan.

"But- but master, how will we achieve such a goal? She comes from a heroic family and devoted herself to that disgusting hero society!" Shigaraki exclaimed, defensively hopping out of his cushioned chair.

"Then you'll force her to. I know you can, my apprentice. You will find a way." The mysterious man stood up and left briskly, leaving the other villains to heed his words.

An idea entered Shigaraki's head. "Listen up, you imbeciles. I have a plan."

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