Sweet Dreams!

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(My Exo-l been showing hard. Please don't hate on the fic just because you don't like Exo<3)
3rd pov

They lie so still in separate directions, one room holding them together. Not a single word is uttered between the two boys, their eyes silently scanning over their own things. One is unbothered, and one is restless. Words were once exchanged as a nightly routine throughout this room, whether it be well wishes, nightly farewells, frustrations and worries, or simply what was on the mind. Words were exchanged for moments before sleep, they were exchanged with smiles and laughs. However recently, their nights have been bare. There were no words, no well wishes, or nightly farewells, there were no lazy smiles and chuckles of tiredness, it was simply silent. Unnervingly silent.

"Hyung," a hum could be heard in response. "What happened?" Jungkook suddenly asked, his eyes never leaving his phone screen. A sigh was heard from the other bed, bored, tired, and calm. Jungkook waited for a response, wanting to know what the older would say in response to his sudden question. He didn't expect much, probably a snarky remark or rude retort, but he still expected the boy to say something back. So he waited patiently and silently, his ears on full alert.

"I...don't know what you mean." Taehyung replied, his eyes glanced up and over his phone for a moment. Jungkook sighed and dropped his phone down onto his bed, not bothering to turn it off, just face down. It would turn off on its own. He stared across the room at the older boy who didn't bother to look up again, wondering why he had decided to act this way. Wordlessly he stood up, he walked toward his wardrobe and grabbed out a pair of grey sweatpants. He undressed and put his new pants on, remaining shirtless as he returned to his bed. Of course, his hair was a mess and sprang in random areas, but this sight was one even Taehyung looked up to capture.

"Hyung," Jungkook whispered once again, his head dropping down as his elbows rested on his knees. Taehyung hummed once again and continued to tap away at his phone screen, a small smile creeping its way onto his face. Jungkook stood up and silently walked to the older's bed, he lied down on the side that Taehyung wasn't on and stared at the ceiling. Taehyung turned off his phone, dropped it at his side, and turned so that he was on his back as well. "Its never been like this. We were never so distant." Jungkook quietly muttered, Taehyung having heard it since he's right next to the younger. He looked over with a stoic expression and put a hand into his hair, calming the wild mane that sat atop his head. Jungkook smiled sadly, knowing just how bad Taehyung wanted this all to be over. He wanted it to be simple, to be strict, he wanted it to be pushed aside and forgotten. Jungkook didn't want that, he wanted to get past it and grow stronger from it. Not him himself, but their friendship.

"Kook, you know I don't have a magic wand that can fix any problem you have." He stated, his face glowing in the dim light of the bed lamp. It was so dim, the light bulb being on 24/7 and working day and night. Jungkook continued to stare at the ceiling, wondering just how they became this way. Taehyung just suddenly seemed uninterested, suddenly he stopped talking, he slowly distanced himself, and he chose other members when he had the chance. Jungkook didn't know why he did this, but he was respectful of it. Now it was time to get answers.

"I don't want magic, I just want to solve this," he said quietly, his voice breaking slightly toward the end. Taehyung turned on his side to face the younger, his face no longer stoic. It had a pained expression, one full of regret, suffering, pain, sorrow. Jungkook didn't know why this look suddenly appeared, nor did he know why he suddenly had his hand on Taehyung's cheek to wipe away the salty tears that ran down his sun kissed skin. "Hyung, why are you trying to leave me?" Jungkook asked this time, his thumb tracing circles on Taehyung's cheek. Taehyung bit his bottom lip and looked away, sitting up in the bed.

"I'm not trying to do anything of the sort, I'm just helping myself." He said. Jungkook sat up as well and reached for Taehyung's hands, pulling him until his head fell against his chest. Taehyung felt his body curl into the younger, his legs wrapping themselves around his waist. Jungkook rubbed Taehyung's back as he slowly took deep breaths to calm himself, feeling his hot breath tickling his neck. He forced himself to calm down, and waited to hear more words. "I can't get over anything if its constantly in my face..." Taehyung whispered against Jungkook's neck, feeling it flex against his lips. Jungkook nodded his head in understanding, peeling Taehyung's head away from his neck. The older stared him in the eyes and saw the soft dust of pink take home on his hamster like cheeks, allowing a small smile to settle on his lips.

"Hyung." Jungkook said sternly, Taehyung's eyes instantly shooting up to his to stop them from trailing any further. Jungkook brought a hand up to the older's hair and began to fiddle with some of the stands, lacing them between his fingers. "There's nothing to 'get over'." He murmured into Taehyung's ear, feeling a sigh escape the older's lips. Jungkook retreated and smiled sweetly at the older, bringing both hands up to his face and running his thumbs over the soft skin. He brought Taehyung in close, his lips ghosting over the older's for a moment before he swiftly lifted his head and placed a kiss to his nose. Jungkook began to back away until he felt Taehyung's hands run up his torso and onto his neck, bringing him back. Their lips pressed against each other's and Jungkook's hands wandered into Taehyung's shirt. Taehyung pressed himself into the younger and felt him move away, a small whine escaping his lips accidentally.

"No more avoiding me." Jungkook said simply before tugging the older under the duvet. Taehyung smiled against Jungkook's firm chest and let his hands rest against the younger's body, Jungkook's arms holding Taehyung against him. A soft kiss was pressed to Taehyung's forehead before his eyes sleepily fell closed, Jungkook's doing the same soon after.
That was bad but please enjoy it<3 thank you for getting me on the rankings of fan fiction! Woah, you guys are awesome. Please keep voting and reading as I post~ thank you for so many reads and votes~ you are awesome!

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