Goodbye Christmas

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3rd POV

“Cold, cold, it’s far too cold outside to go to schedule~! Far too much snow on the ground to leave the dorms~!” The boys could all hear Hoseok as he exited his room, his reddish hair sticking up in ungodly directions. This was a normal wakeup call for everyone in the dorms, Hoseok making up a song on the day and what will happen. Everyone in the dorms have set alarms before, and everyone simply turned it off and went back to sleep. Everyone, except a certain sunshine. Since these things happen, Hoseok has since been awarded the title of Wakeup Call. It wasn’t that bad since all the members got to hear his lovely vocals in the morning.  

At the sound of his voice, the dorm room doors slowly started clicking open, one after another. They all sluggishly gathered in the kitchen and made their coffee, some moving to the lounge and some staying seated in the dining room. Taehyung, however, made his way to the front door, slipping his shoes on and grabbing his set of the housekeys that had a little Tata keychain on it. He was dressed in a jumper with a cardigan thrown over it, simple, loose pants adorning his long legs. Despite the weather and his poor clothing choices, he at least grabbed a scarf and a pair of gloves to keep his neck and hands warm.  

“Where do you think you’re going, Tae?” Taehyung heard just before he left the dorm. He really had been trying to leave without any questions so that he wasn’t forced to do anything ridiculous, but it seems as though that didn’t work very well. He turned around to see Yoongi standing there with his cup of coffee, his expressionless face staring at the younger as his steps slowly reached Taehyung. Taehyung sighed and glanced at the floor, trying to keep this conversation at a minimum. “Actually, never mind. Just close the door already, its freezing.” The older said, stepping back slightly, his face expressing concern despite what had just flowed from his lips. Taehyung smiled at the older as he left the dorm, closing the door and locking it behind him as he walked away.  

The blondish haired boy kept his steps fast as he walked down the path, his eyes catching interest in several of the things that passed by. It’s no secret that Taehyung would have the eye of a photographer, however this small aspect seemed to slow his walk down greatly. This is a normal thing, the slowing of a fast process due to distractions. It didn’t bother Taehyung any, of course, but his bandmates found it inconvenient at times when they really needed to just get something done. In the end, however, Taehyung continued to take his sweet time.  

The boy continued his small commute down the road when he heard fast steps behind him. Assuming it was a fan, he quickened his steps slightly and took longer strides, hoping to get them to lose hope and just give up on going after him. Yet, the steps prevailed. Giving up, he went back to his normal pace and allowed whoever it was to take up whatever speed they wanted to, soon hearing them stop beside his own. He glanced to the side and didn’t need to look long at the being beside him to decipher who had caught up to his steps. The two remained silent for a while, simply taking in the scenery and stopping when Taehyung felt the need to take a photo no matter what strange position he had to be in to get the proper effect.  

“Kook, could you stand a little further away, down in the snow, and face away from me for a photo?” Taehyung suddenly asked, stepping back onto a park bench as the younger took careful steps into the snow and faced out toward the sun. Taehyung had the full intent to take a photo, and he had, but he also knew when he should take advantage of certain situations. After taking a photo, he gathered a large amount of snow in his hands, pressing it as quietly yet as quickly as he could into a nice, firm ball. He pulled his arm back and tossed it as best as he could, hoping for it to hit Jungkook’s backside. After

watching it fly for a few moments, he saw a sudden white color spread over the area just below the younger’s neck. Jungkook’s shoulders rose and stiffened at the sudden cold pressure, his body spinning to face the older at a newfound speed. Taehyung began to rush away as fast as he could.  

Taehyung truly did try to get away, but Jungkook had managed to get out of the snow without falling once, so he had arrived too fast. Taehyung felt coldness kiss his caramel skin and send shivers down his spine, his hands automatically reaching down to scoop up some snow. He sculpted is and turned to launch it, his eyes attempting to locate the younger boy. After searching for a small amount of time, he felt another attack from behind him, turning around quickly in order to catch where it had come from. His long legs propelled him forward and toward the rubbish bin that Jungkook had been hiding behind, rocketing the snowball at him as roughly as he could before creating some distance between him and the younger.  

Taehyung crouched behind a large tree, his breathing only slightly ragged. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a couple of deep breaths, peering around the tree in attempt to find the sneaky younger. After his eyes couldn’t locate him, he stood and jogged back to the bench he had started at. He looked around a bit more before he spotted the younger’s coat hiding behind a different tree, forcing his legs to sprint toward it. Once he reached the tree, he launched himself on top of the younger, a large smile obviously present on his face. Jungkook lied flat on his back, his arms wrapped around the older as they lie in the thick snow. Taehyung continued to laugh slightly, seeing Jungkook’s flushed and snow kissed hair sprawled around his head.  

Jungkook was busy staring at Taehyung’s darkened lips from the cold, his rosy cheeks, and his red button nose. The younger knew he should’ve just ripped his gaze away, but his hands moved before his brain could keep track of. His left hand knitted its way into the elder's soft hair, his right arm securing him to his waist. He allowed his left hand to apply pressure, watching as Taehyung’s head slowly dipped down to his level, feeling the elder's soft yet cold lips meet his sending a strange warmth through his body. Jungkook’s eyes had closed and he removed he pressure, waiting for the elder’s lips to separate from his along with it, but that didn’t happen. Instead, he felt the older kiss his lips with just as much conviction as he had, Taehyung’s snow sprinkled eyelashes peppered slight coldness over Jungkook’s cheek.  

“Hyung,” the younger whispered out, feeling the elder’s lips attack his in a much hungrier manner. Jungkook forced the older to remove his lips, sitting up with Taehyung’s body still on top of his. The two met each other’s eyes for a few moments, Jungkook’s arms still securing the other’s waist, and Taehyung’s arms still resting atop the younger’s shoulders. Taehyung’s hand slowly slid down Jungkook’s chest, suddenly pushing the younger away from him and back into the snow. Jungkook sat back up with surprise and snow littering his face, Taehyung curled in a ball with flushed cheeks. Jungkook tapped the elder’s back slightly and stood up, forcing Taehyung to stand as well. “Hyung, let’s go get steamed buns for the others, make this trip seem less weird to them.” Jungkook said, grabbing Taehyung’s hand and leading him to a small restaurant, refusing to let go for the rest of the trip. 
Hi hello, please enjoy this piece of crap after seven trillion years of no update. I am so sorry but I love you all and thank you for the support on this rubbish♥♥
(Goodbye Christmas by Zhang Yixing is amazing please listen to it)

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