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T.W: None it's all fluffy
"Virrrrrrrgiiiiiilllllllll, my loooooove!! Where are you my dear heart?!"
I follow the groan coming from the kitchen and find my boyfriend on top of the refrigerator....again. Why he chooses to nap there I'll never know but he's there. Virgil peers down at me through half lidded, tired eyes before reaching down and making grabby hands at me. I smile before getting a hold of him and getting him down. Carrying him bridal style to my room, he cuddles close to me and falls asleep again.
Kicking my door close, I set him down on my bed and make my way to my closet. Mid-way through changing I hear a whine from my bed causing me to turn. My beautiful, grumpy boyfriend is facing me with the cutest scowl on his face while whining about being cold.
"Patience my beloved."
"Patience my ass, come here I'm freezing."
I chuckle before slipping on my comfy clothes and making my way to my bed. Virgil's hand shoots out and yanks me into the cocoon he made out of my blankets. Laughing, I wiggle a bit to get into a comfortable position now that Virgil is laying on top of me.
"The yanking was very unnecessary."
"I was cold and lonely. Therefore, it was very necessary."
I smile and lean down to kiss his temple. Virgil just snuggles more into my chest and lets out a huff of air. I feel a kiss on my neck and some mumbles that I don't even try to understand.
"If you wanted to nap you could've come to me instead of going to the fridge."
More mumbles and wiggling are my answer but I do happen to catch the words "shut up", "sleepy", "love" and "hungry." I just hold him a bit tighter and run my hand through his hair knowing that'll make him relax faster.
Virgil's breathing evens out and before long he's fast asleep on me. I snap on some music and close my eyes, deciding to join him in an afternoon nap. Naps with him are always better anyway.
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Hope you enjoyed💙
I'm not dead!!
I'm so sorry. I've been stressed and sick and tired and just overall not doing well. I'm sorry this isn't better and that I've been absent.
I'll try my best I promise. I'm just trying to balance everything and get better.

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