Day One: Family

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Day One: Family

Hey everyone! Drew here! This is my first one shot for Deztin week! For Day One! Family. Well here you go! Ok I gave my own last name for Dez. Its Worth.

Day One: Family

Austin Worth nee Moon walked into the nursery carrying him and his husband Dez’s youngest child. Their son Adam, who will be one this year. Adam had Austin’s blonde hair and Dez’s blue eyes. 

Adam was fast asleep in Austin’s arms. Austin kissed the top of Adam’s head before softly setting him in his crib. Austin started to walk out of the room, taking one last look at the baby before shutting the light off and closing the door quietly. 

Austin had just turned back around when he felt two kids run into his legs, knocking him to the ground. He looked forward and saw his 6 year old twins, Aiden and Jayden. “Boys? Why were you running through the hall?” Austin questioned. The two little blonde haired twins shared looks, looking at each other with their own blue eyes. 

"No reason mommy.. just playing." They said in unison. Austin sent a small look to them before he felt a pair of strong arms around his waist, picking him up off the ground and up to his feet. Austin turned and saw Dez. He smiled and gently kissed Dez. The twins made a sound of disgust before taking off down the stairs.

"Be more careful next time babe. You know them. They love to run through the halls." Dez said. Austin already knew this. Austin nodded before heading off down the hall. He walked to the only door that was painted pink. Dakota’s room. 

Austin opened the door to see, four year old Dakota in a pinkprincess dress playing happily with her stuffed animals. Dakota was the only one of the Worth kids to have Dez’s red hair and Austin’s brown eyes. Dakota looked to the door and flashed a toothy smile and happily said, “Hi mommy! Wanna play?” She asked politely. Austin shook his head. 

"I wish I could princess but I need to go make dinner." Austin replied. Dakota shrugged her shoulders sadly and went back to playing. Austin came up behind her quietly before picking her up causing her to squeal. 

Austin placed the girl on his hip and looked to her, her looking back at him. “Koda, wanna go make dinner with me?” Austin asked, he knew Dakota would say yes. The little girl loved to help her ‘mommy’ cook. 

You see the reason all the children, except Adam because he can’t talk yet, would call Austin mommy because Austin carried and gave birth to all of the kids. Making him the mother figure. 

"Yes!" Dakota replied happily. Austin smiled before leaving the room with the girl still on his hip. Austin walked down the stairs and into the family room. Aiden and Jayden were playing in a tent they made in the living room with pillows. Of course Dez being his goofy self played with them inside the little fort of pillows that could easily be knocked over my the tall man. 

Austin set Dakota on the floor and she headed over to the fridge ready to listen to what Austin needed. Austin got chicken strips out of the freezer while Dakota followed close behind with the milk. Austin took the gallon of milk from his daughter and set it on the counter. 

Austin started the chicken strips and quickly started to mix up the ingredients for mash potatoes. “Hey Dakota. Corn, Green beans, or carrots?” Austin asked, for which vegetable the family would be eating that night. 

"Corn!" Dakota cheered. Dakota ran to the pantry and grabbed two cans of corn. She brought them over to Austin who opened the can and started them. 

After fifteen minutes all of the food was done and Austin started to set the table. “Koda, go get your daddy and brothers and tell them dinners ready.” he told Dakota. Dakota smiled and ran out of the room without another word. 

Soon, Dez, Aiden, Jayden, and Dakota all came into the dining room and sat down at the table. Aiden and Jayden talked to each other through ‘twin talk’ while Dakota went on and on about her ‘royal dance with Prince Bear.’

After dinner was done and ate, the children went off to the playroom which left only Dez and Austin in left to clean up the mess from dinner. The two worked together to clean the table, do the dishes and get everything put away after a good twenty minutes they were done and Austin was heading to Adam’s room with a warm bottle of milk to feed the baby.

Austin gently picked Adam up out of his crib, checked his diaper before sitting down in the rocking chair to feed Adam. 

Austin got the bottle nipple in Adam’s mouth and Adam drank the milk slowly. The bottle was soon emptied and Austin tapped Adam’s back. Austin then stood up and started to sing ‘Heart Beat’ to Adam softly. 

The baby was soon asleep again and Austin laid him back into the crib and kissed his forehead again. 

Austin left the room to see Dez putting Dakota to bed. Dakota was already silently asleep when Austin kissed her gently on the forehead. 

In Aiden and Jayden’s room, the two twin boys crawled into a full sized bed and Aiden put his right hand in Jayden’s left. The two cuddled into each other as their parents gave them both each a kiss on the forehead. The twins had refused to sleep in different beds when they were younger. One would always end up in another’s bed so Austin and Dez thought it would be better to just buy one bed for the two. 

Dez slipped his hand into Austin’s and pulled the shorter boy in for a kiss. Dez had brought Austin into their bedroom so they could get ready for the night. Austin slipped out of his clothes and put on one of Dez’s shirts which was to big on him. Dez stripped down and got into pajama pants. 

The couple got into bed and Austin snuggled into Dez’s chest. Austin’s head laid on the middle of the taller male’s chest and Dez’s arm was wrapped securely around the smaller male’s torso. 

Austin closed his eyes and went into a dream filled sleep about his beautiful family. 


Author’s Note- Ok it was kinda short… ok short but I hope it was good since I had to rewrite it.. again. Well the mommy part was actually my best friend RJ’s idea. I liked it so I used it. -Drew

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