Day Seven: Angst/Fluff

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Day Seven: Angst/Fluff

Day Seven is finally here! Hope you guys like! :) -Drewbear

Day Seven: Angst/Fluff

Team Ally decided they wanted to go to an amusement park for a treat for each other after Austin’s new hit single on the website. Dez and Austin walked hand in hand while Ally walked with Dallas’ arm around her and Trish was in full conversation with Trent. 

"Hey guys! Lets go on the new rollercoaster!" Dez exclaimed. Everyone nodded in agreement, all except Austin. He was terrified ofrollercoasters and heights.  Dez at the moment forgot about Austin’s fears.

They headed to the direction of the rollercoaster and got in line. It wasn’t long until they got to the front. Dez and Austin were in the very front, with Trish and Trent behind them and Ally and Dallas behind them. They got into their seats, Austin not letting go of Dez’s hand. The safety bars came over them and Austin jumped as the bars locked into place.

A sound beeped as the rider instructor pressed the go button. Austin felt tears coming to his eyes as they got higher and higher. Austin was holding on tightly to Dez’s hand. Dez had a grin on his face. They finally reached the top and Austin looked forward. The drop was huge. The coaster went forward and started dropping quickly.

Austin screamed louder then anyone else on the coaster. Tears came out of his eyes and he started screaming and crying. The coaster went through a loop and Dallas was the first to be able to tell something was wrong.

"Ally.. I think somethings wrong with Austin." Dallas said into Ally’s ear. Ally looked forward and saw what Dallas was talking about. Austin was hiding his face, screaming, and from what she could see was tears.

"Oh no.. Dallas… I forgot.. Austin is scared of heights and rollercoasters.." She replied. Dallas and Ally shared looks. 

Austin was still screaming and crying. The tears wouldn’t stop coming. Austin screamed louder until his voice went raw. Soon the coaster came back to it’s station and Austin hung his head low so no one could see his tears. The seats unclicked and Austin was the first one off. He took off running and ran until he tripped. He fell to the ground and made a hard impact. The other were close behind. 

Dez wrapped his arms around Austin and helped him up. “How could you make me ride one of those death machines Dez?! You know I’m scared of rollercoasters and heights creep me the hell out!” Austin exclaimed. 

Dez wrapped his arms tighter around Austin and allowed for the shorter boy to cry harder into his chest. Dez ran his fingers through Austin’s blonde hair and made soothing sounds. 

"I’m sorry Austin.. I forgot that you hated heights and coasters. I’ll make it up to you." Dez said. Austin’s cries turned into hiccups quickly.

"H-How would you make it up to me?" Austin stuttered. Dez smirked and looked down at Austin with his blue eyes.

"I’ll win you that bear with the music t-shirt that you were eyeing earlier and I’ll take you out to that romantic beach date you’ve said you’ve always wanted." Dez stated. Austin used his wrist and whipped the stray tears away before nodding. 

Dez put his arm around Austin’s shoulders and brought him closer. Austin smiled as they made it to the booth. Dez quickly won him the white bear and handed it to him. Austin kissed Dez on the cheek.

Dez then kissed Austin on the lips, putting his hands on Austin’s waist and Austin wrapped his arms around Dez’s neck intertwining his small fingers in Dez’s flaming red hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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