Family Dinner

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"Is Taylor coming tonight?" Kimby asked for what felt like the millionth time.

"No, she can't. She's in LA for work. Can we please finally focus on something that isn't my girlfriend's absence?"

"But it's your birthday dinner and we all know I'm a huge fan of Taylor's and I can't believe that you're actually a couple like my big sister is dating THE Taylor Swift. But she should be here tonight. We've never met her and you guys have been dating for over six months now." Kimby argued.

"I hate to admit it but our little sister is right," Kristine spoke up, "you've told us that Taylor's taking a break and all but we still haven't met her yet cause something came up every time you two wanted to come visit us. We just wanna get to know the person you won't shut up about."

"Did you guys practice this interrogation on the way here?" Karlie replied, trying to stop herself from yelling.

"Kar, it's just something we've all thought about. You and Taylor have been friends for months before you dated and now you've also been a couple for some time and we still haven't met her. You brought home Josh like two months into the relationship," her mother Tracy added.

"This was supposed to be a nice little family dinner and all you do is attack my relationship!" Karlie snapped. She always got defensive when her girlfriend was the topic of discussion.

She hated how her family kept on finding ways to bring up her ex Josh in every conversation they've had about her current relationship. She still felt bad for leaving him like that but she never regretted that decision. The model knew that Josh really loved her and that a relationship with him was safe.

She knew that with him she'd never have to hide or be scared of anyone finding out cause no one really cared anyway. But Taylor Swift dating a girl? That would be news for sure.

When she met Josh, she thought that that was what true love felt like. She was sure that she'd somehow found the one at only 19 years old. But then a few years later she met Taylor and realized that she could never love Josh the way she loved her. So she left him. She knew that it wasn't fair to stay with him out of fear of what a relationship with the singer would be like.

Her family never understood that. When she told them about Taylor they weren't as happy as they were about Josh. They didn't have a problem with her dating a girl, they couldn't understand why she left her seemingly perfect relationship for someone like Taylor. Karlie was sure that they were just trying to protect her but it hurt when they repeated the things the media said about her girlfriend again and again. Or when they joked about Taylor writing songs about her. 

"You don't know anything about my relationship so stop judging us! You've never even taken the time to understand it. Right from the start you've said that she isn't good enough for me and that I'm stupid for leaving Josh. You guys have no idea how perfect Taylor is for me. You don't know how sweet, loving and kind she is. All you know about her is what the gossip magazines write about her and that shit is far from the truth," Karlie exclaimed, tearing up. It hurt her when she thought about the things those so called journalists wrote about her wonderful girlfriend.

"Kar," Kariann started, worried about where this thing was going. She just wanted to have a normal family dinner since those were hard to come by lately.

"No, I've had enough of this." Karlie got up and stormed out of the room.

She didn't want her family to see her cry. All she really wanted was to have Taylor there with her. She had a way to make everything better for Karlie. When she was with the blue eyed girl she felt like she could conquer the world.

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