Christmas in New York

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Christmas used to be her favorite time of the year. She used to love seeing all the colorful Christmas lights; she used to love listening to Christmas music. She used to love getting dressed as an elf and dancing around to Mariah Carey's 'All I want for Christmas'. She practically lived for Christmas and since she grew up on a literal Christmas tree farm, no one could blame her. She had always been the first to decorate the tree and the first to bake Christmas cookies, but not this year. This year Christmas -and everything related to Christmas- served as a painful reminder of how her boyfriend had cheated on her. He had shattered her heart while she was surrounded by the beautiful Christmas decorations in her apartment. The decorations she used to love so much.

No, Christmas really wasn't a time she enjoyed anymore.

Taylor walked along the cold, empty streets of her New York City neighborhood as heavy snow started to fall. A soft wind was blowing. She loved this weather. It was one of the few times she wasn't bothered outside. No paparazzi were desperate enough to get a picture of the superstar to go out in this weather.

Taylor stopped in the middle of the empty sidewalk and caught a snowflake in her hand. Growing up mostly in Nashville, and later moving to Los Angeles, she hadn't seen snow often when she was younger. She was still fascinated by how beautiful snowflakes were. She found it amazing that something so beautiful fell from the sky.

"Shit," Taylor cursed as the snow got heavier and the wind picked up speed. She had not anticipated ending up in a snow storm. She definitely wasn't dressed for one.

Taylor hurriedly started to make her way back home through the freezing cold and thick snowflakes. Soon her pants were soaking wet and Taylor felt like her blood was freezing in her veins. She couldn't remember the last time she was this cold in her life. Had she really walked this far from her apartment? Taylor was pretty sure she was lost. She must've taken a wrong turn somewhere.

'I'm going to die out here' she thought.

She kept on walking in hopes of coming across a sign or store she knew, anything to show her the way home. But all the stores had closed long ago. The owners had known that no one in their right mind would voluntarily leave the house during a snow storm. Well, no one besides Taylor.

Taylor was about to give up hope, when she saw it. Right on the other side of the street was a small bakery that was still open. She hurried across the street and opened the door. As she entered the shop a small bell rang and she was immediately greeted with comforting warmth and the delicious smell of freshly baked cookies. She breathed a sigh of relief; she had escaped the freezing cold alive.

"I'll be out in a second," a woman yelled from the kitchen area which was located behind the counter.

"Okay," Taylor called back, trying not to let her teeth clatter. Oh boy was she cold.

While she waited Taylor looked around the bakery. It was easily the cutest shop she had ever seen. There were Christmas themed cookies and cupcakes on display, fairy lights hanging on a wall and Christmas music was softly playing from the speakers. For the first time in over a year Taylor did not mind seeing reminders of Christmas. The decorations and music made this room one of the coziest place she had ever been in, her own apartment was void of all Christmas decorations this year.

"Hi, I'm so sorry I made you wait," the woman apologized as she walked out of the kitchen.

Taylor's breath got caught in her throat when her eyes landed on the other woman. She was breathtakingly beautiful. She was incredibly tall, her brunette hair was pulled back in a messy bun and she was wearing a cute red apron. But to Taylor the most fascinating thing about the baker were her intense green eyes.

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