Best Friends

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"I guess you did end up moving to London," Karlie said, looking around the unfamiliar room.

"I don't live here," Taylor replied, a tone of annoyance in her voice.

"It looks like you do."

"It's not like it actually concerns you anymore where I decide to spend my time."


"What are you doing here anyway?" Taylor asked, sitting down on the couch in the living room, placing two glasses of water on the coffee table in front of her. Even in this situation Taylor was still the perfect hostess.

"I was visiting Jourdan. We ran into Ed and he asked whether I came to London to see you," the model explained, sitting down next to the older girl but still keeping her distance.

"Why can that guy never keep his big mouth shut?" Taylor muttered under her breath. Karlie heard her anyway.

"Don't blame this on him, Taylor. We had to talk eventually and he genuinely thought I knew you were here. He doesn't even know we aren't on speaking terms anymore," she defended the red haired singer.

"No." Taylor shook her head.

"No, what?" Karlie questioned, it was painful to see Taylor so closed off and cold. She looked untouchable. Normally Karlie was the first person the shorter blonde went to whenever she was happy, sad or somewhere in-between -those times were seemingly over. But then again Karlie deserved to be treated like this. She knew that Taylor had every right to be mad at her. She was mad at herself for how she had acted too.

"No, we didn't have to talk eventually," Taylor shot back. She refused to look at the other girl. She was sitting on the couch, staring at the glass in front of her.

"Yes, we had to talk! I hate this situation. You're still my best friend," Karlie raised her voice, close to finally losing her patience.

"So tell me Karlie Kloss, do you sleep with all of your best friends?" Taylor asked, sounding like she was genuinely curious.

Her voice was strangely calm. Karlie knew that this was a bad sign. Whenever Taylor was like that she was truly mad. She'd seen it only once before and she was glad that Taylor's anger hadn't been directed at her. For the first time during the exchange Taylor turned her head to look at her and for the first time Karlie wished she hadn't. She'd never seen the other girl's blue eyes so hard and cold. It made her shiver. The singer was waiting for an answer.

"No, I don't," Karlie admitted, fidgeting with her fingers, ashamed of what she had done. The strange thing about this situation was that Karlie didn't feel ashamed because she'd slept with Taylor and therefore cheated on her boyfriend, she felt ashamed because of how she'd left Taylor the morning after.

"You don't usually sleep with your best friend and then leave the next morning without leaving as much as a note?" The shorter girl inquired, hurt evident in her eyes.

For the first time that day she didn't look untouchable, right in that moment she seemed vulnerable and hurt. Taylor's posture was distant and closed off but her eyes betrayed her. The spark that was once there was gone, but so was the ice from mere moments ago. Now all there was was vulnerability and maybe even shame. Seeing her like this was like a stab to Karlie's heart. She was to blame for Taylor's pain.

"I'm so sorry, Taylor. I am truly sorry," Karlie apologized, tears forming in her eyes.

"Just answer the question," Taylor said emphasizing every word.

"No, I've never done that."

"Did you go back to Josh afterwards?"

"Yes." Karlie had realized that there would be no point trying to do anything other than giving short answers to Taylor's questions. After the pain she's caused she should be happy that Taylor even let her into the house and didn't tell security to escort her out.

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