I Tried

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Taylor was bored. She had been standing in the same corner of the room for the past hour making polite conversation with people who were passing by. She used to be so close with the people in the room. She wasn't sure when things changed to the point where she hadn't spoken to most of them in well over a year. Past scandals had scared all her air-weathered friends away. Perhaps she should be grateful for that. Taylor let her thoughts wander as she watched Cara Delevingne and Jourdan Dunn play a very competitive game of Rock, Paper, Scissors on the other side of the room.

"Taylor?" Taylor perked up at the sound. For years it had been one of her favorite sounds. For years the person who the voice belonged to had been the most important person in her life. She wasn't anymore. But Taylor would always recognize that beautiful voice, even now that they had turned from lovers to strangers. She turned into the direction of the person who had called her name. She immediately spotted them and her heart started beating faster, a small smile appeared on her lips. She didn't know whether she was anxious or happy. Or maybe a little bit of both.

"Karlie? What are you doing here?" Taylor asked surprised. She hadn't seen the model in years yet seeing her again still knocked the air out of her lungs. Karlie was the most gorgeous person she had ever laid eyes on. How could the model still have this effect on her?

"Lily invited me," Karlie replied. She sounded guarded. She didn't reach out for a hug or a handshake. She kept her distance. And Taylor didn't blame her.

"Oh right." Taylor felt the overwhelming urge to smack herself. Of course Lily had invited Karlie. They may not have been as close ever since Taylor and Karlie had broken up but they were friendly. Taylor still felt guilty about Lily losing contact with a close friend because of her. It shouldn't have been this way.

"So... how are you?" Taylor asked. She desperately wanted to get rid of the awkwardness between them. Karlie used to be the one person Taylor could talk to about anything, now she was the person she had no idea how to communicate with.

"Fine," Karlie said.

Taylor knew her well enough to know it wasn't the complete truth. It wasn't her place to ask anymore, though. "Glad to hear that," she said instead.

"How are things going for you? Your last album was a success, right?" Karlie asked, nervously playing with her fingers. Taylor couldn't help but notice that Karlie wasn't wearing her wedding ring.

"Yeah, it was." It had felt weird not to have Karlie in the audience for a single concert. Things had been rocky when Karlie had attended a reputation show in Nashville but she had still shown up. Truth to be told things hadn't just been rocky they had pretty much been done back then. They had broken up months before. But neither that nor Karlie's engagement had stopped them from spending the night together.

"That's great," Karlie said sincerely. A small smile graced her lips. Even after everything she was still rooting for Taylor. She would always be rooting for Taylor. "Are you already planning TS8 or are you keeping your fans waiting?"

"Honestly, I don't have any plans right now," Taylor admitted. She was fighting the urge to reach out and hold Karlie's hands. She could see how nervous the younger girl was.

"You deserve a break."

"Thanks. Where's Josh?" Taylor asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

"He's not here today." Taylor didn't miss the sad look that crossed Karlie's face. It wasn't her place to ask anymore. Karlie shifted her gaze from Taylor's face to her fingers. "Josh and I signed the divorce papers yesterday."

Taylor couldn't keep her eyes from going wide. She had not been expecting that. "You did what?"

"We signed the divorce papers," Karlie repeated as she looked at Taylor again. "I still can't believe I'm now officially one of those people who were only married for what? A little over two years? It sucks."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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