Jimin Smut

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Namjoons POV

"your welcome babe"

i said to yoongi with a smile. yoongi smiles back and kisses me i blush and jungkook says "weirdos" taehyung hits him and says "sorry" and i smile. jungkook whispers something to jimin and jimin spits out his wine. "ARE YOU SERIOUS" everyone looks at jimin and Ruby says "sorry everyone" she pulls jimin by the ear and walks outside.

Ruby's POV

"what is wrong park jimin" i say i little louder then expected. "sorry its what jungkook said" i sigh and ask "what did he say?" Sighing waiting for him to tell me. I look at him with a blank face as he takes my hand and runs as fast as a cheetah to his car. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" i yelled. "I got to win this bet" jimin said "what do you mean" i ask him in a puzzled voice.

Yoongis POV

i see Ruby Grab jimin by the ear i sigh and say "Thanks Jungkook what did you tell him" jungkook mumbled something. i say once more "what did you tell him" jungkook mumbled once again.  i say "WHAT DID YOU TELL HIM" then finally jungkook said "that the bet ends in 6 hours"

Jimins POV

"um i will explain later ok" i answered i need to do this before it is to late "at least tell me where we are going" she said. "ok we are going to the beach" i said.  she stared at me for a few seconds then said "Omg ArE YoU TaKiNg Me On A DaTe" Ruby asked. i nodded and then she screamed.

Rubys (my) POV

OMGJIMINISTAKINGMEONADATEWHATDOIDOIDONTEVENHAVEACUTEBIKNI i scream with joy. "shh your to loud" jimin says i close my mouth and nod.

its been 4 hours and we are herre he is buying us tickets to go on a boat im so excited

jimin POV

Ruby is so annoying and I want my to steal Rubys freaking Jams and and be more jamfull A random army gave me jams in like 2015 but i need moree mwhahaha

Yoongi POV

i laugh so hard when i here the bet "are you serious Best Bet Ever" i laugh for about 5 minutes and stop.

Jimins POV

done we are on a boat and i will complete this bet 7 more minutes until the due is over hahahaha

"hey Ruby come here" i say she blushes and comes to me. "do u love me" i ask she nods and smile and say "well i dont" i push her off the edge of the boat and smirk "Bet completed" and i drive the boat back to shore

Rubys POV

I am sinking in the ocean and i look around. "oh s***" a shark swims towards me and eats me...

Yoongis Pov

i see jimin walking to the doorstep and i open the door and say "THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH I HATED HER I LEGIT WAS GOING TO MURDER HER TONIGHT" Jin taps my shoudler and says "Um that was PD nims daughter"  "oh s***" namjoon says with a suprised look

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