Chapter three: Zucco

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"Dick please listen t-" "No!" how could Bruce not tell  Dick that Zucco not anyone but Tony Zucco, escaped prison. "I have to help get him back to prison, maybe a more secure one" "Dick you need to understand that when you were nine you never had the instinct of actually murdering someone." " And I do now? Bruce please I NEED to go with you" "Dick, I'm sorry but its too dangerous."

As Bruce and Dick walked in to the Zeta Beam, they heard a person yelling about Artemis spilling their can of Spaghetti, of course Wally. Batman 02, Robin B01, the Zeta Beam said, "Well maybe you should of never been walking my way then!" "Well you always have to ruin my meals! you know I need those right?!"  "Eh em" they both turned their heads, apparently they never heard the Zeta Beam. "Oh hey Rob and Batman..." Dick just rolled his eyes. M'gann walked out then we smelled something burning, "My cookies!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

As Dick was wandering down the streets of Gotham to get back home, he heard someone say "Surprise..." behind him, then a smell of alcohol and blackness.

Dick woke up with his head pounding, also of course he was just a smidge out of it...( a lot out of it) a dark figure showed up, well he was wiggling a lot must of been the drug they used on him. Dick looked around, okay wow now his lunch was coming up. "Glad to see your awake..." he said, before Dick could respond his lunch was on the ground, Dick's head was either playing tricks on him or in front of his head was a large thug. It was most likely real. "W-who are you?" he could finally say, all he got for a response was the word "Circus" well that's what he heard anyway. 

Meanwhile at Mount Justice...

" wheres Rob?" Wally asked eating his bag of peanuts, seriously where does he get this stuff? anyway Batman responded with at darkened expression and whispered to Wally, since Wally only knew about Robin and Batman's identity's, "With Zucco" was his only response.  

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