Chapter four: Bat-Paranoia

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"Zucco? as in Tony Zucco?" Wally wondered, "Yes, he escaped from prison and now out to complete his mission...for good..." Batman replied. "Well whatcha waiting for!? we got to go help him" Wally it's not that simple I have to see if he removed the tracker I placed on Robin" of course he placed a tracker on Dick, that's some Bat-Paranoia for ya, "well?" Wally asked after Batman checked, "I was afraid of this, Zucco knows me too well he removed it" Batman replied wait didn't they only meet once?

Back with Dick and Zucco

Dick wished that Bruce would come, he was of course at the moment being held at gun point by who ever was doing this. "Now kid, you will reveal where the Batcave is" Dick meant to say "no" but it ended up sounding like "Nph" and then Dicks breakfast came out. on Zucco's shoe. "Ugh kid, hey you get me a towel and lots of soap" the thug nodded and went to do what was told of him. Dick heard something beeping and he looked at his glove in the corner the best he could  anyway it was spinning and a bit blurry but he manged to, it was the tracker that Zucco kept having to turn off Bruce must have been hacking in to see where his protege was, ( My laptop wouldn't let me add the accents on Protege.)

Back at Mount Justice

"What do you mean Robins missing!" Kaldur questioned Wally and Batman, "He got kidnapped and we need a team to find him, duh" Wally responded "Actually I can find him myself, I hacked in to the tracker and found his location, before Zucco turned the tracker off again" "Cool! that means we can find Rob!" Wally shouted excited, once Batman walked away Kaldur quickly explained that Batman has really bad Bat-Paranoia. "I heard that" Batman said before walking out of the room. "M'gann, get ready to bake us a cake for celebration of Robin coming back!" Wally yelled to her she had a very happy face on that read "Glad to" and walked out in to the kitchen.

Back with Robin and Zucco

Zucco was getting so fed up with this kid, he couldn't even think straight, then out of nowhere all he could hear was a ton of laughter. It was Dick's "Shut up!" Zucco yelled to Dick, since he was drugged it made him laugh even more, until Dick fell over and blacked out from to much drugs. " How much did you gag him with?" Zucco asked," Were lucky he finally blacked out" just when he said that Dick woke up and made the weirdest sound ever. " Peek a-boo" he said laughing more then coughed " Okay I'm going to regret this" Zucco muttered "Use more drugs for him to fall asleep" "Sure thing boss" someone said, no wonder Dick was going insane they were pushing him too far with the drugs then Dick saw nothing but darkness.

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