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As bored as I am, I'm glad that I'm not dead. If Waverly ever finds out I took one of his bomb pops, I'll be dead faster that I can say sorry. Hopefully, he won't check until the Purge is over. As boredom creeps over me like a swift-acting cancer, I decide to make another stupid desicion.

Once more, I grab my key  and trusty frying pan and leave the safety of my dorm room. I press the down button on the elevator and wait in the most defensive position I can with a frying pan while I wait. Finally, the elevator doors open and practically sprint inside, punching buttons with lightning speed.

Still in a defensive stance, I watch as the doors open on the next floor. In front of me just happens to be the girl I sit next to in history. She's toting an AK-47. No clue how she got a hold of that. I don't even want to know why she has that.

"Please don't shoot!" I beg frantically as I use my tiny frying pan as a shield.

"Dude," she steps onto the elevator, "you've loaned me pens basically every day since the first day of class. It'd be a stupid desition to kill you."

She doesn't press any buttons. Pressuably, she's going down to the ground floor, like me. Despite all known laws of probability, the doors open for the next floor as well. This time, this guy I've seen in my science class steps on. His weapon of choice is a grenade launcher. I don't want to know how he got that. Once again, I try to use my tiny frying pan as a shield while I beg for my life.

"Dude. Bro," he states while hopping onto the elevator, "why would I kill you? You're the one that keeps doughnuts in the common room. Killing you would be the end of doughnuts. And me and my bros never want to see the end of doughnuts."

Breathing a sigh of relief, I lean up against a wall. That's when the new guy notices AK-47 girl. Based on how they both glare at each other, they want each other dead. And since it's Purge Night, they can.

And I'm stuck in the crossfire.

As I prepare to die, I notice that they both glance over to me. They nod to each other, set down their weapons and settle for a good old fashioned fistfight.

That would have been it, but then the elevator opens onto floor three. This time, there's an ENTIRE gang of campus pretty boys wearing surgical masks with drawn on Joker smiles with shark teeth.

Not to mention they're all toting giant guns. I mean, one literally has a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher! 

"Look, we'd love to kill you all," the leader says while ushering in his gang, "but Chad really wanted to use his rocket launcher and we'd like to use it in a setting that wouldn't kill us all."

 The dude with the RPG laughs a bounces his shoulder, calling attention to the giant weapon on it. 

Somehow, the entire pretty boy gang, the guy in my science class, the girl from history, and I all fit in the tiny dorm elevator. I decide to be that person and start playing cheesy elevator music while we all stand awkwardly.


Finally, the doors open and we all exit the elevator, the Pretty Boys to go on their murder rampage, AK-47 girl and grenade launcher dude leave to duke it out in the parking lot, and I run as fast I can to the nearest vending machine. Gearing up like I'm about to score a home run, I swing at the vending machine with enough force to break the glass. Terrified that someone heard that and angry that I forgot to bring something to carry all the snacks with, I frantically grab all the bags of my favorite chips, those cookies, and some Rice Krispy treats.

Thankfully, no one accompanied me on my ride back up to my dorm, where I eat my snacks in peace and watch another episode of Supernatural.

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