Black Feathers

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    Michael sprinted into the garage. The enemy next was nearly on top of him. No time to think. He jumped into the cockpit and inserted the card-key. The machine hummed to life as Michael furiously flipped every switch on. His monitor sparked to life and the machine was active. "Engaging combat systems. All systems nominal." A synthetic voice echoed. The new head part was operating, providing radar and situation awareness systems. Michael turned on the the thrusters, quickly darting to the left. He tore through the wall of the garage. 
   The enemy, the NEXT, moved forward and fired its shotgun. The slower core was unable to keep up. The Core spoke again, amid the sound of tearing metal and the hiss of the radiator. "AP at 70%". Michael cursed and took hold of the controls. The HUD displayed enough information for his weapons. He still had a blade, but the right arm now held a standard production rifle. Where the sniper cannon once was, there was now a missile launcher. Michael pushed a button on his right control, switching his primary weapon to the missile. The HUD beeped when the lock was acquired. He pulled the trigger and disabled his boosters. 
    The missile flew and impacted with the NEXT. There was a flash of green. The impact didn't even singe the armor. "Oh for the love of-" The NEXT paused and activated both of its missile launchers simultaneously. "That's just unfair." One missile shot from each launcher, making a beeline for Michael.
     "Missile Systems detected. Activating Countermeasures." A green laser-pointer highlighted the incoming missile and it detonated. Michael took the hint and tried to avoid the remaining missile. It split up into eight and collided with the Core. Michael was shaken; nearly thrown from his seat. "AP down 50%. Back Right weapon offline." A red button activated on the dash. It read "PURGE". Michael saw another barrage of missiles. He slammed the button and activated the front boosters. His Core flew back and the missile launcher detached. The missiles split, but they impacted with the discarded launcher. 
    "Time to get serious." He took aim with his rifle. He squeezed the trigger, pounding the enemy with several rounds of super-heated ammunition. The green particles leaking from the machine seemed to absorb the impact of the bullets for a while. After a few seconds, he noticed his shots were effective. He continued backpedaling until he ran into a wall. The impact jolted him, moving his arm. The reticle on the HUD changed targets, and the next few rounds impacted with the missile launchers on the NEXTs back. There was a series of explosions, and the enemy lost use of both launchers. Michael changed back to center mass and kept firing. Another wave of shotgun pellets impacted onto his core. A small breach opened on the left side of his core. Light trickled through softly. 
    "AP down 90%. System Critical." The hiss of the radiator became quieter and the internal temperature was rising. Michael panicked and saw the OB system was still online. He shot forward after a second of thought. He pushed the core into its Over Boost, blasting towards the enemy. The generator squealed, and the OB system cut out as the generator attempted to recover the expended power. He was nearly out of power. He turned his Core just enough, so that the left arm was in prime position to swing. He pulled the left trigger and moved the arm control out to the left. The blade extended, a pale purple light piercing the grey light and flashes of green. Michael heard the sounds of shells impacting with his core mix with the sounds of shredding metal. He closed his eyes and waited. Michael felt his body rock as the Core was sent skidding backwards. When the core stopped, Michael opened one eye. The HUD and dash were flashing red. All systems critical. The generator was over-exerted, and was recharging. The external temperature was at 800 Celsius. The interior temperature was at 53 Celsius, due to the hull breach. Michael began breathing heavily and sat back in his seat. 
    The mechanical voice returned, howbeit filled with static. "No targets detected. Switching to normal mode." The HUD returned, showing the extent of the damage. The AP was red, and sparks were flying from all angles the camera could see. The right arm read less than 20% ammo remaining, and the left arm was effectively disabled. Radar was barely functioning, and several warning lights were blinking. But, Michael was alive. He smiled and watched as both the generator and the temperature returned to normal values. He pushed a button on his headset, which he had forgotten to take off. It had recorded the entire fight. His PDA beeped, and a new audio log was created.
    "Day two...I don't even know what time." He wiped his brow and chuckled. "An enemy NEXT was loose in the abandoned sector. There was an unavoidable battle. And...I somehow overcame the enemy. It looked nearly decayed, but had insane firepower. I'm alive, and hope I never need to fight something like that again." Michael looked down at his watch. The battle had only taken him 2 minutes.

    He marched back to the sector's entrance. He'd have to figure out some way to get this Core back home. Or rather, figure out what was going on at his apartment first, then find a spot to park his 40 foot mech. As he rounded the last corner, he was greeted with several Kisaragi MTs. The MTs, or 'Muscle Tracers' are manned weapons developed before the Armored Core. While they vary in shape and function, they are easier to manufacture and maintain that an Armored Core. They made up the majority of a company's army. 
     The MTs were newer models. Long-range bazooka types. "Unknown Raven: power down immediately and exit the Core, or we will open fire. Do you copy?" Michael fumbled with the mic. "I understand. I'm powering down now. Please...uh, please don't kill me." Michael flipped all the switches in reverse order, shutting down the nearly destroyed Core. A Kisaragi squad raised a mobile lift the cockpit of the Core. Michael opened the hatch and called up. "I'm coming up now." 
    "Hands up! We will come and get you." Michael complied and stuck his hands meekly. The soldiers were not gentle, but they didn't cause any unnecessary harm. They lowered the lift as a technician took a look at his core. He was handcuffed and seated on the curb. "Name."
    "Michael Sharps."
    "What do you do?"
    "I'm an ex-Global Cortex employee." The soldiers whispered something then motioned towards the Core.
    "Where did you get that?"
    "I found it here. It was damaged heavily." They nodded and whispered some more.
     "What are you doing here?" Michael swallowed hard.
     "I came here on a tip. I was told that there would be something here of value." The soldiers scoffed. 
     "Not much. So, here's the drill; we are going to take you back to sector 77. You will be put to work in a Kisaragi lab, or you will-" The soldier's radio beeped. "Yeah, go ahead." He paused, listening through his headset. "Understood. Right away." He looked down at Michael. "New orders from the top, boys; Mr. Sharps and his Core are to be escorted back to the Fringe. Once there, Cortex will take him." The Fringe was the demilitarized zone. Not even an Armored Core is able to activate its weapon systems inside it. Its where pilots when to earned their Black Feathers. It was where Michael would become a Raven. 

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