Training - Round 1

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    Michael stepped off the elevator. The training room was deep underground, mainly to keep the Armored Cores off the streets. Inside, a number of rookie pilots were participating in simulation drills. You piloted your own AC, but the enemies and weapons are run by the simulation. That way, your AC wasn't damaged as badly. It kept repair bills to a minimum. Michael stepped up to his locker and pulled out his pilot suit. It was form fitting, but also provided padding to protect the pilot during combat. And on the off chance that a pilot survives the Core's destruction, it was equipped with a GPS locator and some ballistic plating. 
    "Sharps, the arena is empty. You may begin your training now. You will go through three tests, afterwards you will be put into a survival drill. If you make it to ten minutes in the survival drill, we will move your test date forward." Michael nodded and entered the loading bay. His core had been stripped of all its paint and markings. Otherwise, it was the same core he found in the Kisaragi lab. He engaged the core systems and stepped out. "For this drill, your weapons have been disabled. Please confirm that weapon systems are offline." Michael flipped off his weapons as an extra measure, but sure enough Cortex had shut down his weapons. 
     "Confirmed; all weapons offline." 

    "Excellent. We will begin immediately. Please, use whatever weapons you desire to destroy the following targets." Several floating drones appeared, creations of the computer's training drill. Michael took aim with his rifle. The controls were a bit clunky, he hardly believed he had defeated an enemy next with how stiff these controls felt. He fired in steady intervals, trying to get a feel for the movements. The drones were eliminated quickly, but not without much struggle. 
     "This is a bit clumsy. Not fun." He sat back in his seat and took a deep breath. 
     "All targets eliminated. Next test; we would like you make five laps around the entirety of the training zone. The walls have been build to withstand crashes, though we hope that isn't necessary." Michael nodded and began. He didn't feel comfortable using the boosters yet, so he walked most of the way. It took him a good amount of time just to finish one lap. He kept marching though, occasionally activating his boosters when he felt ready. When he was finished, he leaned back in his seat again. He was exhausted; so many controls to fiddle with and manage. So many pedals. Michael closed his eyes and waited. 
     "Complete. Good work." The simulation reset. The lights flipped off and the Core was left in darkness. "You must eliminate three targets in the darkness. Some areas of the layered will not be lit. You must adapt." 
     "'You must adapt'. My ass." Michael gripped the controls and flipped on the AC's lights. The area was dimly lit enough for him to see the targets. He did better against these. They were easily eliminated. "Done." There was silence on the line. 
    "Why didn't you activate your night vision? All standard head pieces are equipped with it." Michael sat in silence for a moment. 

     " does?" Michael took a closer look at the dashboard. A switch labeled 'Low-light environments' was in the 'off' position with a green light next to it. He flipped the switch and waited. In a few seconds, his HUD illuminated with a green outline. It was jarring, but it would be invaluable during night missions or in abandoned sectors.
    "Good. We are detecting all systems working ideally. We are turning the lights back on." Michael flipped the switch and waited while the lights slowly came back on. "Take a few minutes to rest. We will begin the survival drill when you are ready. Michael leaned back and put his head in his hands. 
    "This is stupid. Pointless. Why did I even sign up for this?" He took some deep breaths then grabbed the controls. "I'm ready. Let's get this over with." There was a clicking sound, then a huge amount of drones appeared. Michael let out a soft whisper. 
    "This is not a trial of your combat potential, but your survival potential. You may destroy these drones, but they will replenish over time. The timer will start now." Michael's thoughts quickly turned to the NEXT level combat he had witnessed. He kicked his generator into high gear and jumped into the air. As he glided around, Michael unleashed a volley of rifle shots. The drones opened fire; a mix of solid rounds, super-heated rounds and missiles. Michael cut his boosters and lurched to the left. The missiles passed mere inches from his head. 
    "Whoo! Alright, lets -" He was cut off by an impact on his back. His AP dropped from full to under 20% in a single hit. He quickly shifted his strategy, and boosted backwards past as many missiles as possible. He jumped, getting airborne for a brief second. The generator cut out at that moment, leaving him dead in the center of the killzone. He closed his eyes as the machine guns cornered him. 
    "You survived forty seconds. Good work. That puts you in the top twenty of our recruits. Please exit the arena and collect your documents. Michael hung his head and trudged out of the training arena.

    Selena finished her work for the day and gazed out the window. The cars and MTs hurried by on the streets beneath the Global Cortex office. She clutched onto her phone, waiting for another call or text from Michael. Sure they had never really done anything, but Michael had been the only friend she had for a while. A knock came at her office door. "Oh! Yes, come in." Her boss stepped in. She looked a bit nervous. 
    "Selena, Mr. Bryant is here to speak with you." Selena jumped up. 
    "Yes, I understand. I'll get the conference room ready at once." the boss shook her head. 
    "No, he's here to speak with you." Selena's heart sunk. When the founder of Global Cortex comes to speak with you personally, it usually meant something bad. Selena swallowed hard and took a shaky breath. 
     "I...yes, I understand. Shall I see him in?" Her boss nodded and Selena walked out into the lobby. Mr. Bryant stood calmly looking at a model AC. He was an older man. His hair was graying, and his beard was kept short. His face was wrinkled from stress and years of political maneuvering. No one really knew his exact age, but they knew he was old. He wore a white shirt and a brown, three piece suit with a tan trench coat. It must have been a bit cold outside, judging by the coat. He held a brown bowler hat in his hands. He seemed like a gentle old man, until you realized that he could pilot an AC better than most top arena Ravens. "Mr. Bryant, it is an honor." Selena hoped that those words didn't sound as forced as her smile looked. He turned and smiled.  
     "Good morning, Miss Engell. I hope you are doing well today?" Selena nodded. 
     "Of course, sir." She motioned behind her. "Shall we talk in my office?" He held up a hand politely. 

     "Thank you, but that won't be necessary." He smiled again. Something about his smile was calming. "I'd like to talk about the letter you sent to Head Quarters the other day. But unfortunately, I have some other business to attend to at the moment. Perhaps tomorrow? Will you be free about noon? We can talk a bit more over lunch, perhaps?" Selena's heart pounded in her chest. What else could she say?
     "That would be great, sir. I look forward to it." Mr. Bryant smiled. 

     "Wonderful. I'll see you tomorrow then. Keep up the good work, Miss Engell." He turned and walked out. Selena and her boss exchanged some glances before Selena went home for the day. She needed to mentally prepare for tomorrow.

    Mr. Bryant watched the city fly by. He liked to drive himself, but he had made the decision to come here last minute. "Interesting. That one is strong. She needs to work on that smile, but she was strong." His driver nodded. "I see why Michael chose to call her. Those two would make a good pair. Trust, but no complicated emotions to get in the way. Perhaps I should honor her request then." He thumbed through the printed copy of Selena's letter. It was a transfer request, to become an operator. Mr. Bryant's phone rang. He picked it up.
    "Bryant here. News?" The voice on the other end was silent for a moment.
    "It's finished. We've isolated the AMS, just awaiting your approval."
     "Excellent work. I'll be over soon." He stroked his beard and hung up. "Change of plans. Please take me to Layer Six, Depot 89-05." The driver nodded again and changed course. "This is turning out to be quite the interesting development."

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