Humanity's Future

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      Michael looked at the last two folders. The Password he had gotten from the last video was 'Cranium'. Michael entered the password in the right folder, then looked at the contents. There was an audio log, a damage report, and a HUD feed. Michael opened up the damage report. A list of the fallen ORCA members was here, along with the remaining pilots. Only two ORCA members remained; Strayed and Lisa. Only six Collard pilots remained. There was also a list of 'Unique' Arms Forts. All of them were marked as 'Demolished'. At the bottom, Strayed and written a note. "Never forget; you chose this path". 
    Michael took a deep breath and steeled himself. He opened up the audio log. "I...I am the sole surviving member of ORCA. Old King took his AC and went on a killing spree...some hundred million are dead now. He's heading off to Cradle 44 now, with his old terrorist faction. It is up to me now." Michael heard Strayed breathe deeply, almost as though he had been crying. "I must finish the first step of the Closed Plan and destroy the Cranium, the last Arteria Facility. I have defeated the Answerer. I've defeated the League NEXTs at Carpals. This; this is it. I cannot and must not fail. I have chosen my path, and I will make my own future." Michael stared at the screen. The HUD feed was calling to him.

    Strayed entered the Cranium. "Is that...oh God no." A bright green NEXT stepped into view. Strayed switched back to an open communication line. Sure enough, the NEXT was trying to contact him.
     "Our guests have arrived, Wynne D. Right on schedule."
     "Wynne is here, too? This just gets worse and worse." a pale green NEXT appeared in his vision. "Sorry, but I need to get through."
     "Not without a fight." Strayed turned around. A blue/green NEXT stood behind him. 
      "Thermidor?" Three red dots blinked on Strayed's radar. Three against one was a death sentence for any pilot. "So that's how it is then?" The third voice replied.
     "The man called Thermidor has already passed. The man standing before you is Rank One, Otsdarva." The four NEXTs stood, waiting. 
     "I'm sorry, Roy." Strayed boosted forward, using Over Boost to blast behind the two enemies in front of him. "But you need to die first." The bright green NEXT was unaware, and was easy prey for the hail of bullets and missiles. He tried to return fire, but his missiles detonated before they had cleared the safe distance. The damage was severe, but he managed to move away. A blue bolt of energy struck Strayed's Primal Armor. The green particles flashed, and Strayed had to go on the defensive. Ostdarva's craft, Stasis, rained a hail of bullets down at Strayed. 
     Strayed backed up, trying to create some distance. But the three enemies kept the pressure up. "Damn, wanted to save this for later..." Strayed pushed a button on the dashboard. The Kojima particles that made up the Primal Armor began to condense around him, glowing bright green. He boosted forward and into the middle of the three NEXTs. 
     "Shit! He's got Assault Armor!" There was an explosion, and everything shook. Strayed activated his weapons again, and opened fire on the wounded Roy. The craft, now softened by the blast, was easily destroyed. Wynne's NEXT, Reiterpallasch, was still recovering. Strayed boosted to the side. Stasis had recovered and was continuing his attack. A few missiles later, Stasis was limping. "How is this even possible?!" Strayed pointed a rifle and opened fire. The bullets tore through the armor, opening a gash in the main core. The cockpit was exposed to the Kojima radiation. 
     "I had the guts to finish what you started." Strayed fired a few more rounds, completely crippling Stasis. The radiation would kill Otsdrava soon enough. Strayed turned around as Reiterpallasch rose to a stand. "Let's end this, Wynne." 
     "To treasure a that something to laugh at? Is it so hard for you to understand why I fight?"
     "No, Wynne. It isn't. But I've made my choice." Strayed boosted forward as Wynne shot at him. Energy rounds impacted with Strayed, knocking the AP down a good bit. Strayed lowered its sniper cannon. The combined attack was enough to blast through Wynne's armor. Reiterpallasch fell to one knee. There was a frustrated grunt on the other end of the communications. "Wynne. Enough is enough. Cranium has fallen." There was a pause.
    "Everything is twisted. You. This world. All of it." The sound of a gunshot echoed over the communication line, and Reiterpallasch powered down. 
     "AP down to 20%. Just barely made it out." There was a beep, and a new transmission opened up. 
     "Strayed? Come in, Strayed. Please Eli, answer me!" It was Serene. There was panic, desperation, and a bit of fear mixed into her voice. 
     "Serene? What's wrong?" Strayed heard explosions in the distance. 
     "Head to Carpals! Please, you need to hurry. Old King is waiting for the Cradles to fall. He's going to-" Serene screamed and the transmission cut out. Eli cursed and radioed to his dropship. "This is Strayed, I need an emergency repair. No time to head back to base, I need to get to Carpals!" The HUD feed cut out.

    Michael looked at the last folder. It was labeled 'Final Log'. He opened it; no password was required. Inside was an audio log and a HUD feed. Michael opened the audio log as a reaction. "My name is Elijah Grant. I pilot the Armored Core NEXT known as Strayed. If you find this in the wake of humanities near extinction, I am truly sorry for having allowed this to happen. If you happen upon this after abandoning earth's surface, do not hail me as a hero. I have used my skills for both good and evil. I have saved thousands, and condemned millions. All this has taught me one thing. Humanity deserves more." there was a pause in the log. "Humanity will have a future." The HUD feed began immediately after the log.

    Strayed was still in NORMAL mode when the dropship began to shake. "Enemy NEXT is targeting the dropship! Deploying Strayed." Strayed's Primal Armor fired up, and it fell from the bottom of the ship. No sooner had Eli stabilized its decent, then Old King revealed himself. He fired a volley of shotgun shells at the dropship, completely destroying it. Eli was out of ammunition on his sniper cannon, and nearly out on everything else. His reserve weapons were fully loaded and ready for combat, but they were weak in comparison. 

     "What a good lap dog. Come to suckle on the League again?" Old King hovered on the surface of the water. Carpals was in ruins. The shattered frames of a dozen NEXTs and a few dozen NORMALs littered the area. "These others couldn't stand up to me. Neither can you, comrade." He rushed towards Strayed and fired off the shotgun. Old King acted as if he knew Eli's tricks, so Eli needed to rely on his creativity now. Once out of range of the shotgun, Eli emptied the last of his missiles. Old King turned to fire a volley of his own missiles, but Strayed activated the OBS and flew towards Old King. "Your little trick won't work on me." Old King dodged to the left and began to turn.
     But Eli was aiming right at him. The two NEXT collided. The impact disarmed Strayed, but it also shattered Old King's Primal Armor. Strayed activated its Assault Armor, blasting Old King back. Old King shot several shotgun shells at close range. Warnings popped up all across Strayed's screen. He reached for his thigh weapons, but Old King boosted forward and blew off Strayed's left arm. "No sword for you, comrade." Old King lowered a chain gun and fired at point blank, tearing off the Strayed's leg. Strayed fell onto its back. Eli reached for the weapon at his right thigh compartment, but Old King stepped on that arm, crushing it. 
    "Sorry friend, the time has come to end this." Old King lowered his shotgun towards Strayed's core. "But, I'm glad we got to know each other better." There was a flash of green. 
    "Me too." Eli reached forward and pushed the Assault Armor button. The HUD flashed green, as the AP was reduced to 0. The screen went black, then cut out. 

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