~chapter one~

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Hoi.. ok so idek if I'm actually going to continue to write this. Ish about a erm.. girl.. with life.. struggles. So erm.. yeh.
Have fun cringing ;P

~chapter one~


It all started with a divorce.

That's all it took to change my life.

   Let me back up.

   Hi. My name is Cameron Wright. I'm sixteen years, 3 months, and twenty one days old. I
have dirty blonde hair that's cut just above my shoulders, blue eyes, freckles, glasses, and hoodies and sweaters are my best friends.

   I've become generally skinny, compared to what I looked like before my mom left us.. Mostly because I've wound up finding myself losing my appetite way too often, and just..not eating.

   I'm an only child.. and I always will be.

   About a week or so ago, my dad and I moved in with my his best friend from college, Matthew, and his son Jess, who live in Caramel, California.

We used to live in Michigan, around the Grand Rapids area until about last month, when my mother decided we weren't enough for her anymore. So she asked my father for a divorce, and left to move in with some rich dick from Orlando.

   The divorce completely wrecked my dad. He loved her.. and she just threw it all out the window. It was obvious he wanted to get out of there. He needed to get out of there.

   My dad kept saying that nothing was the same without her, so he asked me if I'd like to move to Cali for a change of scenery.. and well, here we are.

Living here hasn't been bad lately, other than the fact that I have no friends.. and haven't tried to make any.

   Back in MI, I was known as 'the weird kid'. The awkward, clumsy, overweight, hides in a book, kid. It didn't help that I had, and still have social anxiety.

   I also tend to have panic attacks whenever I'm the center of attention, (usually with people I don't know) or when I get intimidated. Which is practically every time I'm forced to interact with people.

   Guys especially.

That's why I'm dreading Monday. It will be the first day for me at Mt. Carmel high school, not to mention I'm starting in the middle of the school year.

At least I'll partially know someone there.

   Jess is a brunette with dark brown eyes. He's quite a bit taller than I am, looks like he works out a lot..and has a fun, yet gentle personality.

   Of course I haven't actually had a conversation with him.. Unless the awkward 'hello' at the door counted, but I haven't hyperventilated or anything yet. He seems to have a..sort of.. calming effect on my nerves.

   ..I really hope I don't screw this up..

Soo.. that was the first chapterrrr...
..idk if I'm gonna continue this.
I might..but it seems like a lot of work lol.
..alright welp..
Hope you didn't cringe that much..although I wouldn't blame you if you did ^^

Mk bai


It all started with a divorceWhere stories live. Discover now